Depends on if we manage calling webpack and babel for users.
If we do, we could let them define a config file that is merged with the internal defaults and then webpack/babel is executed.
Otherwise, will need boilerplate for people to extend from our webpack/babel config. This needs a way to easily expose and require in the defaults.
Also part of the boilerplate is the initial file. Server port could be part of the config, then all we need is to execute a function to tell the Core to start up.
Depends on if we manage calling webpack and babel for users.
If we do, we could let them define a config file that is merged with the internal defaults and then webpack/babel is executed.
Otherwise, will need boilerplate for people to extend from our webpack/babel config. This needs a way to easily expose and require in the defaults.
Also part of the boilerplate is the initial file. Server port could be part of the config, then all we need is to execute a function to tell the Core to start up.