HallerPatrick / py_lsp.nvim

Lsp Plugin for working with Python virtual environments
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[Request] Read pyproject.toml venv property #23

Closed charlesneimog closed 1 year ago

charlesneimog commented 1 year ago


Thanks for the work!

Would it be possible to make py_lsp read the venv property of pyproject.toml (thinking about conda envs).

HallerPatrick commented 1 year ago

Hey! A quick google search didnt really help.

How does conda interact with the pyproject.toml file? Could you link me some docu about the venv property?

charlesneimog commented 1 year ago

Ohh, I am sorry, I was not clear.

I don't mean that it interacts. For now, with the py_lsp plugin, we need to run PyLspActivateCondaEnv to make the LSP work correctly. For me, It would be great to add natively the possibility to read, for example, the venv key, from the pyright and make it run PyLspActivateCondaEnv automatically. Because I always am changing env, and always need to run PyLspActivateCondaEnv. The JSON file pyrightconfig.json already have one key called venv, maybe `py_lsp' could read it and run PyLspActivateCondaEnv.

charlesneimog commented 1 year ago

I was able to make a simple script to solve my needs. I will close the issue.

-- in the root of the project, read the key venv of pyrightconfig.json
local function GetVenvName()
  local f = io.open("pyrightconfig.json", "r")
  if f == nil then
    return nil
  local content = f:read("*all")
  local VenvName = string.match(content, '"venv": "(.-)"')
  return VenvName

local function activateVenv()
  local VenvName = GetVenvName()
  -- from python py_lsp, use the function PyLspActivateCondaEnv
  if VenvName ~= nil then
    vim.cmd("PyLspActivateCondaEnv " .. VenvName)
