HaloSpaceStation / HaloSpaceStation13

The code for Halo: Space Station Evolved 's branch of SS13
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Further expand the faction-control system. #1754

Open X0-11 opened 4 years ago

X0-11 commented 4 years ago

Further expansion of the faction-control system could be done to do things such as create many different facilities which would provide different benefits, ranging from providing the locations of other facilities to enabling territory control across nearby facilities by putting fully automated ODPs into place. These facilities would be small maps capable of being captured and then abandoned, either providing passive or active benefits like the aforementioned ODP reinforcement or vehicle/other equpment spawning. Facility Theme Ideas: (Feel Free to contribute in comments) Facility Benefit Ideas:

This is part of a further push towards planetside-inspired mechanics, with emphasis placed on the resources each point can provide to a faction. Hopefully this provides longer rounds and a multi-step round structure

Delnth commented 4 years ago

Each of these objectives have an incentive in mind. However it is not the case for the first objective. It sounds like the goal is to capture one facility, then abandon it to move to another that is more profitable to your plans. But the first objective idea is a one-way objective. You capture it and then you do not it anymore because you can easily write down the coords.

Other than that, this idea is good, really.

Here are my ideas (they aren't too different from yours):

Shipyard - Cannot be destructed but controlled. Will only answer to whoever controls it

Vehicle Factory - Constructs the desired vehicles via manual interaction of a console

Laboratory - Little to no purpose, save for the fact that the laboraty has a database full of schematics that aren't otherwise unavailable to the rest of the other facilities (see it as a vault, said schematics could unlock various products for other facilities are controlled by the same faction)

System-wide sensor facility - an important facility, that will detect and dynamically track the coordinates of all objects in the system, at any distance. (Ships, planets, anything that is on the overmap) May also have access to a system that allows to transmit encrypted messages. Said messages could be decrypted with a console on each flagship. See it as a "report".

That's pretty much all that came to mind. I believe those ideas are too big and beyond our reach right now, but just in case, it's there.