HalosGhost / pandabin

A self-hostable, simple and fast pastebin written in C
GNU General Public License v3.0
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library routine called out of sequence #27

Closed buhman closed 5 years ago

buhman commented 6 years ago

Sample reproduction:

curl -X POST --data-binary test23 http://localhost:8080/create # success
curl -X POST --data-binary test23 http://localhost:8080/create # Failed to execute insert: constraint failed
curl -X POST --data-binary test1234 http://localhost:8080/create # Failed to bind uuid: library routine called out of sequence
curl -X POST --data-binary test12345 http://localhost:8080/create # Failed to bind uuid: library routine called out of sequence

It looks like regardless of the return value of sqlite3_step and sqlite3_bind, you always need to call sqlite3_reset on the prepared statement, which is not what currently happens in any handler on error. This prevents that statement from being reused for the remainder of pandabin's lifetime.

Speculation: even in SERIALIZED mode, it should be possible to trigger SQLITE_MISUSE by racing multiple threads on the same prepared statement. I think the only safe way to handle this case is to not share prepared statements and database handles between threads.