Hamcha / lumaupdate

Updater for Luma3DS.. as a 3DS homebrew!
Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
145 stars 68 forks source link

Luma3DS.dat not found #54

Closed Xerono closed 6 years ago

Xerono commented 7 years ago

AuroraWright removed Luma3DS.dat from their release v6.3.1, but the updater is still looking for it in the 7zip-file, resulting in a crash.

Running Menuhax/Emunand with Luma Updater v1.4.2, Luma 6.2.2.-f5039dca and N3DS Firmware 11.1.0-34E

Checking for new Luma3DS Updater releases...
Downloading https://api.github.com/repos/Hamcha/lumaupdate/releases/latest...
Download progress: 5743 / 5743
Downloaded 5743 bytes
JSON parsed successfully!
Release found: v1.4.2
Changelog found.
Current updater is already at latest release.
Trying detection of current payload version...
Loaded existing payload in memory, searching for version number...
Downloading https://api.github.com/repos/AuroraWright/Luma3DS/releases/latest...
Download progress: 3497 / 3497
Downloaded 3497 bytes
JSON parsed successfully!
Release found: 6.3.1
Found version: Luma3DSv6.3.1.7z
Release description found.
Downloading https://raw.githubusercontent.com/astronautlevel2/Luma3DS/gh-pages/lastCommit...
Download progress: 9 / 9
Downloaded 9 bytes
Downloading https://raw.githubusercontent.com/astronautlevel2/Luma3DSDev/gh-pages/lastCommit...
Could not download, skipping...Copying /Luma3DS.dat to /Luma3DS.dat.bak...
Downloading https://github.com/AuroraWright/Luma3DS/releases/download/v6.3.1/Luma3DSv6.3.1.7z
Download progress: 216346 / 216346
Download complete! Size: 216346
Integrity check #1 [OK]
Integrity check #2 [OK]

Extracting payload [ERR]
FATAL: Could not find Luma3DS.datFATAL
Could not get A9LH payload...