Hame-daani / final-project

my final year project for bachelor degree in Computer Engineering
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vue #44

Closed Hame-daani closed 2 years ago

Hame-daani commented 2 years ago


Hame-daani commented 2 years ago


Hame-daani commented 2 years ago


Hame-daani commented 2 years ago

components in depth

Hame-daani commented 2 years ago

essential notes

- it is possible to use a `JavaScript expression` in a directive argument by wrapping it with square brackets. its evaluated value will be used as the final value for the argument ```vue ``` - computed properties are `cached` based on their reactive dependencies. A computed property will only re-evaluate when some of its `reactive dependencies` have changed ```js computed: { now: function () { // here 'Date' is not reactive return Date.now() } } ``` - `watch` option is most useful when you want to perform `asynchronous` or `expensive` operations in response to changing data ```js watch: { // whenever question changes, this function will run question: function (newQuestion, oldQuestion) { this.answer = 'Waiting for you to stop typing...' this.debouncedGetAnswer() } }, ``` - multiple class binding and js expressions ```vue
``` - When you use the class attribute on a custom component, those classes will be `added` to the component’s root element. ```vue ``` - key modifires ```vue ``` - multiple checkboxes bind to array ```vue
Checked names: {{ checkedNames }} ``` - typecast input ```vue ``` - v-for also supports an optional second argument for the index of the current item. ```vue
  • {{ parentMessage }} - {{ index }} - {{ item.message }}
``` - You can also use v-for to iterate through the properties of an object. also get key and index ```vue
{{ index }}. {{ name }}: {{ value }}
``` - v-for can also take an integer. ```vue
{{ n }}
``` - a component’s data option must be a function, so that each instance can maintain an independent copy of the returned data object ```js data() { return { count: 0 } } ``` - binding props is useful when you don’t know the exact content you’re going to render ahead of time. like fetching data. ```vue ``` - dynamically switch between components, like in a tabbed interface.currentTabComponent can contain either: the name of a registered component, or a component’s options object. ```vue ```
Hame-daani commented 2 years ago


Hame-daani commented 2 years ago

components notes

- components tag name should be all-lowercase, must contain a hyphen. ```js Vue.component('my-component-name', { /* ... */ }) ``` - when the parent property updates, it will flow down to the child, but not the other way around. - you should not attempt to mutate a prop inside a child component. - it’s best to define a local data property that uses the prop as its initial value ```js props: ['initialCounter'], data: function () { return { counter: this.initialCounter } } ``` - if The prop is passed in as a raw value that needs to be transformed, it’s best to define a computed property using the prop’s value. ```js props: ['size'], computed: { normalizedSize: function () { return this.size.trim().toLowerCase() } } ``` - custom validator for props ```js propF: { validator: function (value) { // The value must match one of these strings return ['success', 'warning', 'danger'].includes(value) } ``` - components can accept arbitrary attributes, which are added to the component’s root element ```vue ``` - v-on event listeners inside DOM templates will be automatically transformed to lowercase (due to HTML’s case-insensitivity), so v-on:myEvent would become v-on:myevent – making myEvent impossible to listen to. - two way data binding using `.sync` ```vue ``` - A outlet without name implicitly has the name “default”. - To provide content to named slots, we can use the v-slot directive on a