Open HamiltonNunesMorais opened 3 hours ago
name: "PR Workflow with ServiceNow Approval"
on: pull_request: branches:
jobs: create-change-request: runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Create Change Request in ServiceNow
uses: your-org/servicenow-action@v1
assignment_group: "IT Support"
short_description: "Change request for PR #${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}"
client_id: "client-123456"
- name: Wait for Approval
uses: your-org/servicenow-action@v1
action: "await-approval" # Aguarda aprovação no ServiceNow
change_request_id: ${{ steps.create-change-request.outputs.cr_id }}
validate-approval: runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: create-change-request steps:
name: "Custom ServiceNow Action Wrapper" description: "A wrapper for the ServiceNow action to simplify parameter passing."
inputs: assignment_group: description: "The assignment group for the change request." required: true short_description: description: "The short description for the change request." required: true client_id: description: "The client ID related to the change request." required: true
runs: using: "composite" steps: