I'm trying to get rid of com.apple.keylayout.ABC because of this issue, which is already achieved.
But when I use hammerspoon to switch input source by hs.keycodes.currentSourceID("org.unknown.keylayout.custom"), hs brings the annoying ABC back.
I tried a workaround to execute a shell command issw org.unknown.keylayout.custom (issw), which has the same effect.
However that behavior happens only in config and works well in hs console and terminal.
this is my config file, which changes input-source to custom when hit ESC in Android Studio
bEventTap = hs.eventtap.new({ hs.eventtap.event.types.keyDown }, function(event)
if event:getKeyCode() == 53 then
local frontApp = hs.application.frontmostApplication()
if string.match(frontApp:title(), "Android Studio") then
-- hs.keycodes.currentSourceID("org.unknown.keylayout.custom")
hs.execute("/Users/isudfv/Desktop/tmp/input-source-switcher/build/issw org.unknown.keylayout.custom")
return false -- don't delete the event
Hi, I'm trying to get rid of
because of this issue, which is already achieved. But when I use hammerspoon to switch input source byhs.keycodes.currentSourceID("org.unknown.keylayout.custom")
, hs brings the annoying ABC back. I tried a workaround to execute a shell commandissw org.unknown.keylayout.custom
(issw), which has the same effect. However that behavior happens only in config and works well in hs console and terminal.this is my config file, which changes input-source to custom when hit
in Android Studio