I wrote the following code. Then, during the test, I found that when one finger was placed at the bottom of the touchpad and remained stationary, and another finger moved on the touchpad, the resulting touchpad information could only obtain the information of one finger
touchpadWatcher = hs.eventtap.new({hs.eventtap.event.types.gesture}, function(event)
local touches = event:getTouches()
local touchCount = #touches
print("finger number: " .. touchCount)
for i, touch in ipairs(touches) do
print(string.format("finger %d: x = %f, y = %f", i, touch.normalizedPosition.x, touch.normalizedPosition.y))
I wrote the following code. Then, during the test, I found that when one finger was placed at the bottom of the touchpad and remained stationary, and another finger moved on the touchpad, the resulting touchpad information could only obtain the information of one finger