I experienced significant delay when loading hammerspoon scripts. The delay happens when hammerspoon loads hs.window.filter module for the first time. The delay lasts for almost the same time as hs.window._timed_allWindows hangs. Considering that process "com.apple.WebKit.WebContent" accounts for major part of delay when executing hs.window._timed_allWindows, I add a line of code in function "startAppWatcher" in file "window_filter.lua". It seems that the unexpected delay disappears.
local function startAppWatcher(app,appname,retry,nologging,force)
if not app or not appname then log.e('called startAppWatcher with no app') return end
if apps[appname] then return not nologging and log.df('app %s already registered',appname) end
+ if app:bundleID() == "com.apple.WebKit.WebContent" then return end
if app:kind()<0 or not windowfilter.isGuiApp(appname) then log.df('app %s has no GUI',appname) return end
if not fnutils.contains(axuielement.applicationElement(app):attributeNames() or {}, "AXFocusedWindow") then
log.df('app %s has no AXFocusedWindow element',appname)
retry=(retry or 0)+1
if app:focusedWindow() or force then
pendingApps[appname]=nil --done
local watcher = app:newWatcher(appWindowEvent,appname)
-- apps that start with an open window will often fail to be detected by the watcher if we
-- start it too early, so we try `app:focusedWindow()` MAX_RETRIES times before giving up
pendingApps[appname] = timer.doAfter(retry*RETRY_DELAY,function()
startAppWatcher(app,appname,retry,nologging, retry > MAX_RETRIES)
I don't know whether this is a bug, but it does occur to both of my MBP. Have anyone else come into it?
I experienced significant delay when loading hammerspoon scripts. The delay happens when hammerspoon loads
module for the first time. The delay lasts for almost the same time ashs.window._timed_allWindows
hangs. Considering that process "com.apple.WebKit.WebContent" accounts for major part of delay when executinghs.window._timed_allWindows
, I add a line of code in function "startAppWatcher" in file "window_filter.lua". It seems that the unexpected delay disappears.I don't know whether this is a bug, but it does occur to both of my MBP. Have anyone else come into it?