Hammster / php-irc-bot

A minimal IRC Bot written in PHP following a subset of RFC1459
MIT License
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SASL Auth Requirement - Amazon S3 VPS #2

Closed aab12345 closed 4 years ago

aab12345 commented 4 years ago

Hello, I am trying to use this bot on an Amazon S3 VPS and I now get a message saying the following; (Would you happen to know how to resolve it with this script?) I tried updating it with the password but still comes up with same message. Thanks!

:cherryh.freenode.net NOTICE * :*** Looking up your hostname...
:cherryh.freenode.net NOTICE * :*** Checking Ident
:cherryh.freenode.net NOTICE * :*** Found your hostname
:cherryh.freenode.net NOTICE * :*** No Ident response
:cherryh.freenode.net NOTICE BOT-NAME :*** Notice -- You need to identify via SASL to use this server
ERROR :Closing Link: ec2-IP-IP-IP-IP.LOCATION.compute.amazonaws.com (SASL access only)
Hammster commented 4 years ago

Hi, this was more of a funny side project some years ago (5+) and I never implemented any advanced auth like SASL which is what freenode now requires.

You can see from here it is a quite lengthy process.

So I'm not going to add this, as this script should be mainly used for learning purposes or a little unsecure fun with friends.

If you need Sasl support check out https://github.com/WildPHP/irc-bot

Cheers ;)

aab12345 commented 4 years ago

Well, with the help of someone I now have this implementation working with SASL using base64 encoding authentication!

It would be nice if you could keep your script updated though.

// Opening the socket to the Rizon network
$socket = fsockopen("irc.freenode.net", 6667);

fputs($socket, "CAP LS\n");

// Force an endless while
while (1) {
    // Continue the rest of the script here
    while ($data = fgets($socket, 128)) {
        echo $data;
   ` // Separate all data
    $ex = explode(' ', $data);

    // SASL plain witchcraft. Run at own risk. I don't know PHP.
    if ($ex[1] == "CAP" && $ex[3] == "LS") {
        echo "LOL\n";
        fputs($socket, "NICK " . $nickname . "\n");
        fputs($socket, "USER " . $nickname . " 0 * :" . $master . "'s Bot\n");
        fputs($socket, "CAP REQ :sasl\n");

    // :irc.foobar.net CAP HammsterBot ACK :sasl
    if ($ex[1] == "CAP" && $ex[3] == "ACK") {
        // Why does this not work above??
        // && $ex[4] == ":sasl\n") {
        fputs($socket, "AUTHENTICATE PLAIN\n");
    if ($ex[0] ==  "AUTHENTICATE") {
        // Create Password in Base64 - printf 'username\0username\0password' | mmencode 
        fputs($socket, "AUTHENTICATE YOUR_BASE_CODE_64_PASSWORD_HERE\n");
    if ($ex[1] == "903") {
        fputs($socket, "CAP END\n");
        fputs($socket, "JOIN $channel\n");
    // End of SASL Witchcraft.
Hammster commented 4 years ago

I can certainly add the script you commented. I'll just need to test it once i have some time. ;)

Thanks 👍

aab12345 commented 4 years ago

It might need a tiny tiny tiny bit of work as not 100% sure how to handle. Full Code - Here - https://pastebin.com/kjHPPQGD

// Deal with Nick in use. // Deal with SASL FAILURE (903)

aab12345 commented 4 years ago

To generate your base64 password; SASL > Base64 -->

Please edit only the username and password part below then run the command;

perl -MMIME::Base64 -e \ 'print encode_base64("username\0username\0password");'