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rbmk fuel rods overhauled #21

Open undeadyeti opened 10 months ago

undeadyeti commented 10 months ago

update the rbmk fuel rods so that they need to be cooled in a cooling pond before they can be disassembled its way to easy to just pull a rod out of a running rbmk reactor in hbm and then take the spend fuel out of it so what im asking is for the rbmk fuel to be reworked so that it needs to be first removed into a cooling pond where it will need to spend a day or so (real life time) (i would say longer but i understand there needs to be balance for it to still be fun) so say you update the rods you would need to pull the spent rod out place it in a cooling pond for a day or so for it to cool down enough for it to be taken apart all of which will need to be done in a sealed area due to the risk of fire from the hot rods as well as high radiation risk if done with out the use of the fuel crane

the cooling pound would just need to be the spent fuel pond drum already in the game keep in mind this isn't something i see happening right away as ik it would take some time to do due to the mess that is the hbm code its just a somthing i think would add alittle more immersion to using the rbmk reactors plus a extra step to fuel reprocessing