Hamster-Systems / Hbm-s-Nuclear-Tech-GIT

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240mm aiming ability #35

Open Ripper508 opened 6 months ago

Ripper508 commented 6 months ago

What type of feature would you like added? The ability to aim the 240mm autocannon "Jeremy" Please expand on how you would like this; Tell us how you want it to look and work after the update adding artillery in 1.7, HBM deleted the turret controller. the problem is, that was the best and really only way to aim the 240mm turret. Now, im suggesting compatibility with the artillery remote. (when you add it of course) no, it should not aim a gigantic distance, but i need some way of targeting a block (especially since there are APFSDS rounds, made to pierce blocks) it shouldn't elongate the range of the autocannon, just make it aimable. i dont have problems with the other turrets though, as it doesn't seem as necessary.

sorry for the rant, and if you did manage to read that incoherent mess, thanks.

oh, and keep up the good work