Hamuko / cum

comic updater, mangafied
Apache License 2.0
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MangaFox scraping support #34

Closed abduct closed 7 years ago

abduct commented 7 years ago

Hi, I am wondering if support for Mangafox scraping will be added to Cum. There are a few mangas that Batoto removed the English versions of which Mangafox has.


Hamuko commented 7 years ago

Isn't everything on Mangafox downscaled and watermarked? Doesn't sound like worth any effort.

abduct commented 7 years ago

It is watermarked, I am not sure about downscaled.

Although I think more sources would be nice. I have only been able to find "Online - The comic" on MangaFox so far. I haven't checked your other sources as of yet.

Hamuko commented 7 years ago

As far as I can see, Mangafox takes chapters, downscales them, adds a watermark and then saves them as low-quality JPG even if the source is PNG.

For comparison: Mangafox (728x1127 with watermark) vs. Batoto (909x1300).

Again, seems like a complete waste of time of a site. I imagine it has no content that is not available somewhere else already.

abduct commented 7 years ago

I've searched all supported sources and the manga I referenced to is not found in English on any of them.

It's up to you to add it as a source, more source the better at least to me, it's not like people are forced to use it if there is a source with better quality.

I used my personal scaper I wrote to fetch the manga, but seeing another source added to cum would be nice on top of the ones already present.

Hamuko commented 7 years ago

I've searched all supported sources and the manga I referenced to is not found in English on any of them.

You mean this manga?

abduct commented 7 years ago

I can't tell. How do you sign up for that source. Their root domain http://madokami.al/ gives me a connection reset, and I can't find a register page.

Hamuko commented 7 years ago

HTTPS only. Details on the site.

Anyways, Mangafox seems like a waste of my time since I am the one who has to write and maintain it.

CounterPillow commented 7 years ago

Details aren't on the site anymore it seems. (The domain should be https://manga.madokami.al)

Join #madokami on irc.rizon.net and read the topic, instructions should be there.