Hamuko / cum

comic updater, mangafied
Apache License 2.0
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Error following a raw in Madokami #49

Closed DonRyuDragoni closed 7 years ago

DonRyuDragoni commented 7 years ago
$ cum --version
cum version git-4405206 "Miyamo Chio-chan"

Hello. The title is pretty self-explanatory, so let me get right into the error:

$ cum follow 'https://manga.madokami.al/Raws/Yotsubato%21'
==> Invalid URL "https://manga.madokami.al/Raws/Yotsubato%21"

That URL, however, is valid. Is this behaviour intentional? By that, I mean, are you intentionally blocking raws? (From here it looks like that you're checking /Manga/* only, but nowhere in this repository I found something about raws, hence my question.)

Hamuko commented 7 years ago

Added the Raws path to the regex. I imagine it's useless though, since the filenames are all over the place. Maybe in the future Madokami will actually become a manga site and we can actually scrape it.