Hamuko / cum

comic updater, mangafied
Apache License 2.0
170 stars 15 forks source link

Added scrapper for MangaSupa.com #60

Closed kozec closed 6 years ago

kozec commented 6 years ago


I needed this scrapper for myself, but it may be useful in general. There is no big magic here, as site is very simple.

Hamuko commented 6 years ago

Doesn't seem to have any tests.

kozec commented 6 years ago

Doesn't seem to have any tests.

Should it have?

Hamuko commented 6 years ago

Should it have?

Yes. Read this.

kozec commented 6 years ago

Ok, tests added.

I'd suggest mentioning them at https://github.com/Hamuko/cum/wiki/Implementing-scrapers , probably along with explanation for method(?) def from_url(url).

Hamuko commented 6 years ago

Merged. I rebased your commit on top of the master branch since there was so much happening there and this was isolated enough not to require a merge commit. There was also a handful of style errors which I corrected before merging to master.

To be completely honest, I don't really give a shit about this scraper. It's not really confidence inducing to see a site that doesn't work on HTTPS due to mixed content from its own domain. But hey, as long as someone else is willing to maintain the scraper, I don't have an objection for including it. Since there are tests here now, I'll be relying on that to verify that the scraper still works and all the tests passed for me.