HanSolo / JDKMon

A little tool written in JavaFX that monitors your installed JDK's and inform you about updates
Apache License 2.0
310 stars 21 forks source link

Missing text "Bundled with FX" for checkbox in dialog "Download a JDK" after first open the given dialog only #18

Open ltorok opened 2 years ago

ltorok commented 2 years ago

This problem is ONLY in this case (my OS is Windows 10, version JDKMon is

  1. 2x click on shortcut "JDKMon" on desktop for launch JDKMon
  2. close the window "JDK Mon" or leave it open (does not affect the issue)
  3. on tray icon for JDKMon from context menu (right click) to select item "Download a JDK"
  4. in opened dialog "Download a JDK" on top is missing text "Bundled with FX" for given checkbox <- issue (see screenshot bellow)

Important note: after close dialog "Download a JDK" and next open the given dialog this issue does not exist next already

Screenshot (for typo "Operatingsystem I send PR already"): image

ltorok commented 2 years ago

Readme.md contains screenshot https://camo.githubusercontent.com/7fb2a9738d0ac21a70a6e9158287f648f73ff45267a80e6d9cba660bdd7562c1/68747470733a2f2f692e6962622e636f2f484635463866662f646f776e6c6f61642d77696e2e706e67 where given text is missing for checkbox also.