HanSolo / charts

A JavaFX library that contains different kind of charts
Apache License 2.0
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How to plot upper air soundings like skew t hodographs using netcdf #78

Open Linuxuser1234 opened 2 years ago

Linuxuser1234 commented 2 years ago


HanSolo commented 2 years ago

Sorry but you have to provide more information and not just one question and some charts

Linuxuser1234 commented 2 years ago

@HanSolo how do I use netcdf-java and your library to create plots and skew t log p to plot dew point and temperature and hodographs for wind speed like what metpy can

Linuxuser1234 commented 2 years ago

And I'm trying to plot soundings data in javafx

HanSolo commented 2 years ago

I don't know netcdf-java, my library is totally unrelated to any datasource, so you need to learn how to get data from netcdf-java and you need to learn how to use JavaFX. Then you should take a look at the test classes in the test package of the charts library. For every chart you will find a demo where you can see how to use that specific chart. From the chart above I have no idea what you would like to visualise, so all these things are up to you, sorry.