HanSolo / digital5

A ConnectIQ Watch Face for the Garmin fenix5x watch
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Input geographical data #10

Open MHefter opened 7 years ago

MHefter commented 7 years ago

Hi, I'm struggeling with the input of the geographical data. The input mask tells DDD.dddd. It is unclear if the separator has to be a "." or a "," which depents on the overall setting? I'm using a windows phone with german settings - so I can't key in a ".". If I do this on the PC the field shows afterwards no seperator at all? And consequently the watch face shows "E -/-". Is there a workaround? Greetings, Michael

HanSolo commented 7 years ago

Hmm...did you try a "," for the separator...should also work afaik

HanSolo commented 7 years ago

Hmm...not a big fan of the string solution because in this case you can type in whatever and I have to check in code for validity. Checked it on my iPhone and I can type in either "." or "," and both works fine. So there must be another way, will check tomorrow...need some sleep now :)

MHefter commented 7 years ago

You are - you would have to validate the input... In the meantime, it is not possible more me to change the separator (it's a "," currently). I will delete and reinstall. Have some sleep. I fear that my windows phone is still the problem, because I see the api usage in darksky. So there was e request, but somehow the data could not processed...

HanSolo commented 7 years ago

Ok...did a last short test on my Android phone and again it works without problems. Is there any chance to switch your phone to a different number format (e.g. to english) to check if it will work in that case? Need to figure out the real problem here. Cheers from Singapore and good night...

boogievoogie commented 7 years ago

same problem. not able to input any separator but "," API Call: https://api.darksky.net/forecast/.............../37.8267,-122.4233

I've found the problem. string with 32 charater dark sky key - i've did c+p, so there was "_" beafore with c+p. after i print it correctly - works properly.

MHefter commented 7 years ago

Hi, with the latest version (1.56) I'm unable to enter the 32 charater dark sky key? When I try to safe an error message tells that there is not enough space? ...

MHefter commented 7 years ago

Hi, there is also a problem with the display of the sunset time on the upper left hand side. It shows only one digit for the minutes-

HanSolo commented 7 years ago

Hi, I heard about the problem with the input of the dark sky key and don't ask me why but if you try to copy/paste the darksky key using Garmin Express there seems to be a problem. I always type it in on my mobile application and it always works. So it definitely works and I have no idea why it fails in your case. Sunrise and sunset also shows correctly not only on my watch, so you might want to try to hard reset the watch. I had one user which also encounters very strange behavior and after a hard reset everything worked fine again. As long as I can't reproduce your problem it will be try and error, so if you figure out any procedure that might help me to reproduce it I will do what I can but on all my devices and in the simulator it just works...sorry that I can't help in the moment.

Attenuator commented 7 years ago

I've had issues with the weather not appearing when updating the app. Not sure it's related to the entry method for the Darksky key. Is there a delay on the first call to DarkSky when the app's updated? I updated yesterday and didn't get any weather data for several hours (set to current weather).

HanSolo commented 7 years ago

The update interval is always 15 min so after an update (or after you put in the Dark Sky key for the first time) it can take up to 15 min before you will see the weather appearing on the watch face. There is the possibility that it takes longer than 15 min because in the Garmin documentation it says that there is no guarantee that calling a background service with a given interval will always exactly use the interval that was defined. The watch os decides based on some algorithms when to call the webservice (of course the watch has to be connected to the phone and the phone needs an internet connection). Meaning to say the watch os gets some kind of trigger that there is a webservice call waiting and if possible it executes that directly but there might be circumstances where it might take longer.

Attenuator commented 7 years ago

Sounds like some Garmin weirdness. I haven't updated to 1.58 yet, but shall do so shortly, and try pasting the DarkSky key. I'll try to remember to keep an eye on the watch to see how long it takes for the weather to update. I'll let you know if I see anything weird. (By the way, I'm using a 935.)

HanSolo commented 7 years ago

I've heard from some users that when copy/paste the API key in Garmin Express it might lead to errors but if you type it in it works...strange. I always type it in on the mobile phone and til now it always worked...so crossing fingers :)

MHefter commented 7 years ago

Hi, currently I'm not longer able to enter the 32 digit Darksky key - neither on the pc (garmin express on win10) nor on the phone (win 10 mobile). I'm sure that this is a windows (mobile) problem. Sunset etc. is now working with a "," as the seperator. But the watchface still shows only one digit for the minutes for the sunset time. Many thanks for trying to help. In the meantime a tried a different watch face, which uses Dark sky and I experienced the same as you Attenuator. It seems it works works much better without a wifi connection (with a strong mobile connection)?

HanSolo commented 7 years ago

Well that's really bad, sorry that I can't help you here. Like mentioned before I really can't reproduce the problem which makes it nearly impossible to figure out where it comes from, sorry.

boogievoogie commented 7 years ago

after 1 day of working well - stoped to update weather. --/-- E sign apear. only 3 requests today on https://darksky.net/dev/account (instead of 58 for yesterday) I've checked the 32 digit Darksky key, and coordinates input.

HanSolo commented 7 years ago

hmm...strange, works fine on my watch. Can you send me some more info about your setup? Watch, Firmware, Watchface version?

boogievoogie commented 7 years ago

fenix 5, 5.4 , 1.58

HanSolo commented 7 years ago

ok, same here except fenix 5x which should not make a difference. The "E --/--" message usually only appears if either the call contained errors in the message and maybe if the call took too long but that I'll have to check after work

boogievoogie commented 7 years ago

I'll try to change Dark Sky key, and move coordinates.

HanSolo commented 7 years ago


boogievoogie commented 7 years ago

I've try to do so - no changes in WF, still --/--E. Also I've entered string with key and coordinates in browser - it's shows my courrent position with weather conditions. so, on my mind it should be somethin with - how app creates request and how it processes reply.

HanSolo commented 7 years ago

ok can you send me the coordinates you use and I will check in the development environment and check the result. I guess you wait for 15min because that is the interval period?

boogievoogie commented 7 years ago

53.900000 27.566670

HanSolo commented 7 years ago

Just a short question, did you also shutdown/restart the mobile app? Because in the end this will perform the webrequest.

boogievoogie commented 7 years ago

Just restarted the watches - no changes on watches. but +1 request on API usage

HanSolo commented 7 years ago

I just remember that sometimes the Garmin Connect mobile app needs a restart too.

boogievoogie commented 7 years ago


HanSolo commented 7 years ago

another idea would be to use less numbers after the decimalpoint for lat/lon. This might lead to the problem that the message is too long...just a thought

boogievoogie commented 7 years ago

Is that possible to import courrent data from watches GPS to WFapp? instead of handle imput that could exclude mistake+give more convenience

HanSolo commented 7 years ago

The only way to import data from the GPS is via a saved activity that stores GPS data (e.g. running or biking outside). Meaning to say if you record an activity outside the GPS data will be stored and I can access the last saved location. And I do this already means if you go outside for a run the WatchFace should use the last saved location for the weather and sunrise/sunset calculation. Problem with this approach is that I can't save this information back to the settings screen :( As you can see the whole watch face thing is quite restricted...

boogievoogie commented 7 years ago

too bad. but anyway - great job. best WF I've tried.

HanSolo commented 7 years ago

thx...sorry for the inconvenience...I wish I could be more helpful

Attenuator commented 7 years ago

MHefter raised an issue earlier on, where only one of the minute digits is showing in the Sunrise field. I just noticed this occurring on my watch too. Sunrise here is at 6:09A. The watch is showing "6:9A". Thought it might be the LCD font, so tried toggling that, but no difference.

HanSolo commented 7 years ago

Hi there, Could you try to switch your watch to 24h mode to see if it is still there? Just arrived back in Germany sitting in FRA waiting for my connecting flight. Will try to somehow reproduce it. Cheers,


Attenuator commented 7 years ago

Yep, still there. In 24hr mode, sunrise shows as "6:9".

So, I switched back to 12hr, and thought I might try turning ON leading zeroes (which I have off). With leading zeroes on, it works correctly. "06:09A"

Looks like the leading zeroes function is stripping leading zeroes from the minutes as well.

HanSolo commented 7 years ago

Darn seems I also cut leading zeroes from minutes which doesn’t make sense...have to change it :) Thx for the report and enjoy your weekend,

