Hanabi-Live / hanabi-live

A web server that allows people to play Hanab, a cooperative card game of logic and reasoning.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Create a UI abstraction on the client so that we can replace the graphics library #26

Open Zamiell opened 6 years ago

Zamiell commented 6 years ago

Use pixijs

Zamiell commented 6 years ago

you can see the new client at /dev

Zamiell commented 5 years ago

Don't use pixijs and instead use Phaser: https://phaser.io/

Zamiell commented 5 years ago

libster says he will do this in Feb

Zamiell commented 5 years ago

ui.js is now in a sane state so it should be easier to copy from

Ape commented 5 years ago

What about just using HTML and CSS for the ui? At least it would be easier to debug using DOM inspection. I don't think there is much reason for webgl / canvas rendering since there is always just a small number of relatively simple objects on the screen.

Zamiell commented 5 years ago

I took a cursory look at https://dominion.games/ which seems like a really modern / nice UI, and it seems to be using the DOM. On the other hand, doing things via CSS is a nightmare. Are there any other prominent open sources projects/games out there that are written like this that I can copy code from?

Ape commented 5 years ago

This is of course mostly about personal preference, and yes CSS has its issues. But I think CSS actually has lots of good things for a project like this. For example: real-time tweaking in inspector, pretty decent animation utilities, support for user css.

Are there any other prominent open sources projects/games out there that are written like this that I can copy code from?

I would guess so, but I don't have any examples to give.

Zamiell commented 3 years ago

rob is helping us separate the UI from everything else, once the project is complete, we will be able to move to PixiJS and get some performance improvements