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VVC (H.266) codec support #5007

Open phanluchoaofficial1152 opened 1 year ago

phanluchoaofficial1152 commented 1 year ago

Description of the feature or enhancement you'd like to see in HandBrake


As I see, ffmpeg has started final steps for adding VVCEnc to ffmpeg but now I see another one they have already added and publish to Github (https://github.com/MartinEesmaa/VVCEasy/blob/master/WindowsVVC/WindowsVVC.7z - https://github.com/MartinEesmaa/VVCEasy) - this is a modifed ffmpeg which added VVC encoder on that. Can you give a look with this and add this to newer version ?


What Operating System are you running?

Windows 11

What version of HandBrake are you running?


Where did you download HandBrake from?

Handbrake.fr , Github

Activity Log, Crash Log or any other details

No response

galad87 commented 1 year ago

I think it would be better to wait until there is an official decoder in FFmpeg, and a way to mux it to mp4 and mkv. Anyway, patches are welcomed.

Nomis101 commented 1 year ago

At the moment there are two different attempts for VVC into FFmpeg.

  1. Via this integrated one https://github.com/ffvvc/FFmpeg
  2. Via the external library VVdeC / VVenC (http://ffmpeg.org/pipermail/ffmpeg-devel/2023-January/305271.html)

Not sure what the status is for both methods. I've tried already to build HandBrake with the first method to enable it to decode VVC files. But the most tricky part was to find good VVC sample files to test it. The few ones I found could not even recognized with my patched Handbrake. So I also think its saver to wait until FFmpeg has finished their work and implemented the encoder/decoder.

phanluchoaofficial1152 commented 1 year ago

Thanks, I still wait for new update with this new codec. As I see, in FastFlix they have already support this codec by change the ffmpeg path to vvc ffmpeg have been added before by another one and it still work

Vào CN, 12 thg 3, 2023 vào lúc 01:15 Nomis101 @.***> đã viết:

At the moment there are two different attempts for VVC into FFmpeg.

  1. Via this integrated one https://github.com/ffvvc/FFmpeg
  2. Via the external library VVdeC / VVenC ( http://ffmpeg.org/pipermail/ffmpeg-devel/2023-January/305271.html)

Not sure what the status is for both methods. I've tried already to build HandBrake with the first method to enable it to decode VVC files. But the most tricky part was to find good VVC sample files to test it. The few ones I found could not even recognized with my patched Handbrake. So I also think its saver to wait until FFmpeg has finished their work and implemented the encoder/decoder.

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sr55 commented 1 year ago

HandBrake is not FastFlix. Nor does HandBrake use ffmpeg.exe

Once official decoders / encoders mature to the point of being practical and meet our requirements, we can look into getting it into HandBrake. This can take time, often years, as we've seen with past codecs. Just because something is available now, doesn't make it suitable for HandBrake.

Please be patient.

sr55 commented 1 year ago

We can leave it open. Any future updates on this topic will be posted here as/when it becomes available.

Nomis101 commented 4 months ago

I think it would be better to wait until there is an official decoder in FFmpeg, and a way to mux it to mp4 and mkv.

By the way, this is now the case for mp4, preliminary. It still needs a lot of polishing. Will be available with FFmpeg 7.0.

Altansar69 commented 2 months ago

FFmpeg 7.0.0 is out !

Nomis101 commented 2 months ago

HandBrake 1.8.0 will have first VVC decoding support. It will probably take some time for FFmpeg to polish and complete that support. I do not expect to see encoding support anytime soon.