Handlebars-Net / Handlebars.Net.Helpers

Handlebars.Net helpers in the categories: 'Boolean', 'Constants', 'Enumerable', 'Environment', 'Math', 'Regex', 'String', 'DateTime' and 'Url'.
MIT License
38 stars 14 forks source link

Handlebars.Net.Helpers.Xpath v2.4.1.4 is detected as a threat (Trojan.MSILHeracles) #89

Closed JordanGottardo closed 2 months ago

JordanGottardo commented 3 months ago

Handlebars.Net.Helpers.Xpath v2.4.1.4 is detected as a threat by various threat detection softwares (by virustotal.com)

Steps to reproduce:

  1. install Handlebars.Net.Helpers.Xpath v2.4.1.4 from nuget
  2. upload %UserProfile%.nuget\packages\handlebars.net.helpers.xpath\\lib\netstandard1.3\HandlebarsDotNet.Helpers.XPath.dll to virustotal.com => Multiple vendors are detecting it as a threat image

This seems to happen only for the netstandard1.3 dll. Is this a false positive?

StefH commented 3 months ago

I think it's a false positive indeed