Handlebars-Net / Handlebars.Net.Helpers

Handlebars.Net helpers in the categories: 'Boolean', 'Constants', 'Enumerable', 'Environment', 'Math', 'Regex', 'String', 'DateTime' and 'Url'.
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DynamicLinq Helpers Not Registering Correctly in .NET 8.0 WebAPI Project #96

Open anit3k opened 3 weeks ago

anit3k commented 3 weeks ago

First off all, thx for an awesome project, this library has been saving us a lot of work. I dont know if this is a bug, maybe i am using it wrong.


I am experiencing an issue where the DynamicLinq helpers from Handlebars.Net.Helpers are not being registered correctly in a .NET 8.0 WebAPI project. The same helpers work fine in a console application with identical configuration and dependencies.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Clone the repository: https://github.com/anit3k/HandleBarsDotNet8.DynamicLinq
  2. Open the solution in Visual Studio or your preferred IDE.
  3. Build and run the console application project.
  4. Observe the console output showing the number of registered helpers.
  5. Build and run the WebAPI project.
  6. Observe the API response showing a different number of registered helpers.

Expected Behavior

Both projects should register the same number of helpers ? 134 Block Helpers and 265 Helpers

Actual Behavior


A repository containing both the console application and WebAPI project can be found here: https://github.com/anit3k/HandleBarsDotNet8.DynamicLinq


Additional Context

I have compared the projects multiple times to ensure they have identical configurations and dependencies. I have also tried explicitly loading assemblies and adding additional logging to diagnose the issue without success.

Any help or guidance on resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated.

StefH commented 3 weeks ago

@anit3k It's indeed a bug. Also when just running the consoleapp from the commandline:

HandleBars Block Helpers: 97
HandleBars Helpers: 193
Unhandled exception. HandlebarsDotNet.HandlebarsRuntimeException: Template references a helper that cannot be resolved. Helper 'DynamicLinq.Where

Shows the wrong number of helpers.

This is because the PluginLoader loads the *.dll from the wrong location.

And a workaround: You can set the path yourself:

HandlebarsHelpers.Register(handlebars, c => c.CustomHelperPaths = new BindingList<string>

I'll check if I can fix this in Handlebars Helpers plugin loader.

StefH commented 3 weeks ago


anit3k commented 3 weeks ago

@StefH thx, the workaround works in the api when debugging :) I will test this in my test environment later today :) Let me know if a can do anything to help :)

StefH commented 3 weeks ago

@anit3k You can try preview version 2.4.3-ci-18706.

See https://github.com/Handlebars-Net/Handlebars.Net.Helpers/wiki/MyGet

anit3k commented 3 weeks ago

Just testet this in my simplified repo for the bug/issue and it works great

StefH commented 3 weeks ago

Just testet this in my simplified repo for the bug/issue and it works great

The preview version you mean?

anit3k commented 3 weeks ago

Yes, haven't had the time for testing in the original solution where i originally discovered the bug. I hope to do it later today :)

StefH commented 2 weeks ago

Did you have to test it in your production code?

anit3k commented 1 week ago

Not yet, sorry. I have been reassign to other projects, but i will do it in the current week :)

StefH commented 2 days ago

@anit3k Did you have time to test it?

anit3k commented 2 days ago

Just tested it, did not work, i tried using the provided code snippet as well:

HandlebarsHelpers.Register(handlebars, c => c.CustomHelperPaths = new BindingList { Path.GetDirectoryName(Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule!.FileName)! });

Working just fine in local debug mode.

The environment used for prod "simulation" is a docker/k8 environment, and i only get 193 helper methods, and the application throws an exception with message "Template references a helper that cannot be resolved. Helper 'DynamicLinq.Where'"

StefH commented 2 days ago

It's strange that this does not work in Docker, because my other project WireMock.Net is also bundled in a docker image and this works fine with Handlebars.

anit3k commented 2 days ago

That is strange. Currently we have a lot of stuff to do before the summer holydays, so I dont have much time to debug/solve this. Hope to have a little spear time next week.

anit3k commented 1 day ago

In my docker container I can see all the dll's when listing the content in app folder, but when i write out the files and directory the helperPath looks in i get:

Helper path: /usr/share/dotnet Files in helper path: /usr/share/dotnet/LICENSE.txt /usr/share/dotnet/ThirdPartyNotices.txt /usr/share/dotnet/dotnet

using this code snippets:

var helperPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule!.FileName)!;
HandlebarsHelpers.Register(handlebars, c => c.CustomHelperPaths = new BindingList<string> { helperPath });

private void PrintDirectoryAndListFiles(string path)
    Console.WriteLine($"Helper path: {path}");
    if (Directory.Exists(path))
        Console.WriteLine("Files in helper path:");
        foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(path))
        Console.WriteLine("Directory does not exist.");

when executing the same code snippet locally i get a list of all the files from the debug folder on my laptop