Closed HandyGuySoftware closed 4 years ago
@HandyGuySoftware here's my .rc file from my backup
dbpath = /usr/share/dupReport
logpath = /usr/share/dupReport
verbose = 1
logappend = false
subjectregex = ^Duplicati Backup report for
srcregex = \w*
destregex = \w*
srcdestdelimiter = -
dateformat = DD/MM/YYYY
timeformat = HH:MM:SS
warnoncollect = true
applyutcoffset = true
show24hourtime = true
purgedb = false
showprogress = 0
masksensitive = true
markread = true
rcversion = 3.0.0
intransport = imap
inserver =
inport = 4993
inencryption = tls
inaccount =
inpassword = **password containing special characters**
infolder = Duplicati
inkeepalive = true
unreadonly = false
outserver =
outport = 587
outencryption = tls
outaccount =
outpassword = **password containing special characters**
outsender =
outreceiver =
outkeepalive = true
style = srcdest
sortby = source
border = 1
padding = 5
reporttitle = Duplicati Backup Summary Report
sizedisplay = mega
showsizedisplay = true
displaymessages = false
displaywarnings = true
displayerrors = true
titlebg = #FFFFFF
subheadbg = #D3D3D3
jobmessagebg = #FFFFFF
jobwarningbg = #FFFF00
joberrorbg = #FF0000
repeatheaders = true
nobackupwarn = 3
nbwsubject = Backup Warning: #SOURCE##DELIMITER##DESTINATION# Backup Not Seen for #DAYS# Days
lastseensummary = top
lastseensummarytitle = Backup Sets Last Seen
lastseenlow = 5
lastseenmed = 10
lastseenlowcolor = #FFFF00
lastseenmedcolor = #FF4500
lastseenhighcolor = #FF0000
truncatemessage = 0
truncatewarning = 0
truncateerror = 0
durationzeroes = true
displaylogdata = true
joblogdatabg = #FF0000
truncatelogdata = 0
source = Source
destination = Destination
date = Date
time = Time
duration = Duration
files = Files
filesplusminus = +/-
size = Size
sizeplusminus = +/-
added = Added
deleted = Deleted
modified = Modified
errors = Errors
result = Result
jobmessages = Messages
jobwarnings = Warnings
joberrors = Errors
dupversion = Version
joblogdata = Log Data
It appears that the new email server sections have a sendername=
option that is not present in previous .rc file versions. Nor is it mentioned in the new documentation. Have corrected both issues.
There is a new Issue_152 branch in the code that should correct the problem. Please check it out and see if that corrects your issue.
@HandyGuySoftware I restored the files from my backup, applied the new update and was able to run it successfully. Nothing was reported on the command line, I saw no errors in the log file, the mailbox was caught up by the process and the report was emailed to me as normal.
Updated 3.0.0 code to 3.0.0 Update Release 1.
All I did is copy the files into the same folder and ran the same command I do via cron.
Ok, so I installed “apprise” using “pip3 install apprise” and it gets further: