HandyHat / ha-hildebrandglow-dcc

Home Assistant integration for UK SMETS (Smart) meters pulling data from the DCC via the Hildebrand Glow API
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Not getting data for the DCC Sourced smart gas meter Usage (today) #311

Open daknightuk opened 1 year ago

daknightuk commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug I am not getting data for the DCC Sourced smart gas meter Usage (today)

To Reproduce I removed the entire integration from HACS, restarted my RPI4+ I added the integration through HACS I restarted my RPI4+ I checked that the entities were shown image

Expected behaviour I was expecting to see gas usage in my energy dashboard as I am using gas and the Bright App shows I do have usage. I am getting an error in the gas consumption under the Energy Dashboard settings This seemed to happen after my gas and electricity meter stopped reporting gas usage for about 24 hours then appeared to be "catching up"

Screenshots image image image

Version Integration 1.0.3 Home Assistant 2023.2.5 Supervisor 2023.01.1 Operating System 9.5 Frontend 20230202.0 - latest

Debug log Log Details (WARNING) Logger: homeassistant.components.sensor Source: components/sensor/init.py:503 Integration: Sensor (documentation, issues) First occurred: 13:53:07 (2 occurrences) Last logged: 13:53:07

Entity sensor.dcc_sourced_smart_electricity_meter_cost_today (<class 'custom_components.hildebrandglow_dcc.sensor.Cost'>) is using state class 'total_increasing' which is impossible considering device class ('monetary') it is using; expected None or one of 'total'; Please update your configuration if your entity is manually configured, otherwise report it to the custom integration author. Entity sensor.dcc_sourced_smart_gas_meter_cost_today (<class 'custom_components.hildebrandglow_dcc.sensor.Cost'>) is using state class 'total_increasing' which is impossible considering device class ('monetary') it is using; expected None or one of 'total'; Please update your configuration if your entity is manually configured, otherwise report it to the custom integration author.

Additional context Strangely I can see cost but no usage image

adam-cobb commented 1 year ago

I am also seeing this, haven't been getting gas usage data for about a week now :(

daknightuk commented 1 year ago

@adam-cobb do you mean you are NOT getting gas usage data? do you have the bright app also. I can see my hourly usage on the bright app although the update is "lagging" behind by a while.

tekhiegit commented 1 year ago

Same no usage data all week, before then it was missing large quantities of daily usage too.

adam-cobb commented 1 year ago

Yeah sorry my bad on the typo. I haven't been getting any gas usage! Looks fine in the Bright app for me also.

daknightuk commented 1 year ago

I think this MAY be the same as the issue "Data appears incomplete when compared to other DCC fed sources. #305" but no-one has reported the error which I'm getting which is odd. Having said that my energy provider e.on does tend to "faff" around and break things that worked fine before (on my 2nd set of smart meters now) so not sure if its an issue at their end.

chriskchambers commented 1 year ago

I would also like to say that, from last Thursday I had no data from DCC Sourced smart gas meter Plug in, into my Home Assistant, but when I go to the Phone App, I can see my data.

stewartdoyle commented 1 year ago

No gas data within the Hilderbrand-DCC integration since 9 Feb for me too. Electricity usage OK for DCC and gas and electricity are both fine in the Bright app. I am with Bulb and did wonder if it might be related to the move to Octopus, but unlikely if the problem occurs with other suppliers, e.g. Eon. The timing might coincide with an update from HA 2023.2.2 to 2023.2.3 or 2023.2.4?

Eddie46848 commented 1 year ago

The app is updating once a day now and this integration is missing the data, so isn't recording anything. I don't think it's the integrations fault, the old saying is you don't get anything for free and glowmarkt are trying to sell a product.

joffhopkins commented 1 year ago

I've held off posting as I assumed something was up locally, but I've not had either gas or electric data (DCC) come through to HA for the last week or so. Same error as @daknightuk but also getting this:

Logger: custom_components.hildebrandglow_dcc.sensor
Source: custom_components/hildebrandglow_dcc/sensor.py:276
Integration: Hildebrand Glow (DCC) (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 00:00:20 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 00:00:20

Non-200 Status Code. The Glow API may be experiencing issues

and this:

Log Details (WARNING)
Logger: homeassistant.components.sensor.recorder
Source: components/sensor/recorder.py:382
Integration: Sensor (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 13 February 2023 at 08:21:27 (3 occurrences)
Last logged: 00:10:10

sensor.dcc_sourced_smart_electricity_meter_cost_today from integration hildebrandglow_dcc has state class total_increasing, but its state is not strictly increasing. Triggered by state 0.3 (0.32) with last_updated set to 2023-02-16T00:05:20.470659+00:00. Please report it to the custom integration author.

Edit: Bright app shows data, but there appears to be a day's lag - e.g. it's 17 Feb today, but app only shows data for gas upto 15 Feb, and there is a sliver of electricity usage for 16 Feb. Something isn't quite right!

southwalesboy commented 1 year ago

Same here, gas usage data stopped reporting on February 8th, but the data is showing in the 'Bright' app on my smartphone.

Electricity usage seems to be recorded without issue.

HandyHat commented 1 year ago

Hey all, this looks like it may be an extension of the issue described in #305, as the root issue seems to be the data being delayed over a day, resulting in no data being collected for that day.

Feel free to follow the discussion there!

nigam-sa commented 1 year ago

I too noticed the same issue. No data for gas available in HA since 10th Feb. Electric data is fine. In the bright app i can see the gas data.

image image
ethzero commented 1 year ago

Really wish I'd reported my glitches back on the 13/14th, but in fairness wanted to see if others were getting the same issue.

Gas reading starting glitching on the 13th Feb and lost data for most of that day. Data seemed to come back on the 14th but was massively inaccurate. Then stopped again for over a day on the 16th and since then I've been getting a bizarrely low reading again completely contrary according to my IHD.

Electricity readings appear to be coming in but again are completely inaccurate. Up until the 14th you can clearly see the rise in energy usage around the every, when my gaming PC is in use however all days since then have falsely show negligibly use, with the weekend of the 18th/19th not showing the practically 48 hour use :)

image image

ethzero commented 1 year ago

I think this MAY be the same as the issue "Data appears incomplete when compared to other DCC fed sources. #305" but no-one has reported the error which I'm getting which is odd. Having said that my energy provider e.on does tend to "faff" around and break things that worked fine before (on my 2nd set of smart meters now) so not sure if its an issue at their end.

I'm with e.on and I've found HA+hildebrandglow to be pretty solid since I set this up last December and only had one other couple-hour glitch in all that time back in January. The latest "glitch" has resulted in a feed for me that seems both intermittently broken and what data does get through it woefully inaccurate. As others have noted I do appear to be getting good data on the app for the previous 24 hours but the entire current day is blank for both electricity and gas.

m24andrew commented 1 year ago

I too have just noticed today that I have no gas consumption data since the 14th Feb, all fine on Bright app.

cliveeisen commented 1 year ago

This implies your software is making a different api call to get the consumption data than bright does. If someone tells us exactly what call is not working compared to bright we will have a look. Ideally please raise a ticket on this specific issue by emailing support@glowmarkt.com The reality is if you want realtime up to date data buy the glowmarkt IHD and get a local mqtt client - everything else is something of a fudge.

chriskchambers commented 1 year ago

I can't reminder the procedure I did to get my Gas reading into HA, but looking around my environment, I see most of the steps here has been completed. https://github.com/HandyHat/ha-hildebrandglow-dcc/blob/main/README.md

Installation Automated installation through HACS You can install this component through HACS to easily receive updates. Once HACS is installed, click this link:

Open your Home Assistant instance and open a repository inside the Home Assistant Community Store.

Manually add to HACS Manual installation Copy the custom_components/hildebrandglow_dcc/ directory and all of its files to your config/custom_components/ directory.

Configuration Once installed, restart Home Assistant:

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the system dashboard.

Then, add the integration:

Open your Home Assistant instance and start setting up a new integration.

Manually add the Integration Sensors

JohnMcLear commented 1 year ago

Mine stopped working on the 19th of Feb, data is available in Bright app but not showing from integration. Thanks!

thorrrr commented 1 year ago

HI Last time i had a full day readings was 22 Jan 2023 , both Elec & Gas. Bright App full of data

Gazoonky commented 1 year ago

Similar here. Problems with data in HA for several weeks but nothing last 2 weeks. Switched from British Gas to Octopus and this is what I thought had caused the issue but there seems to be something else wrong. Bright app reporting data normally

AKruimink commented 1 year ago

Set mine up for the first time yesterday, the mobile app seems to give me data just fine (is a day behind in data it seems) but in HA both electricity and gas don;t work and give me the Statics_not_defined and Entity unavailable warnings with no data

XcOM987 commented 1 year ago

TO confuse things a little, this is suspected to be related to #305, but when I login to my bright app it has data from this morning, although I think it's only showing the standing charge so far on the app but will keep an eye on it, but doesn't seem to be feeding in to HA, I get everything but the usage, so I get the rates and standing charge though so it is pulling some data.

What can I do to help investigate this, I have my setup in a VM so I can mess about with it and revert it if something breaks

miczlo commented 1 year ago

I'm seeing same behaviour. In the app I can't see data for today only for previous days but in the integration I have no historical data either.

planetming commented 1 year ago

My HA seems to have started receiving data again from Hilderbrandglow since 3rd March 2023. Appears to be accurate. No intervention at all on my part.

XcOM987 commented 1 year ago

Likewise but unclear how accurate it is since then, I do notice on the 3rd I had a major correction of about negative 1000KWh on the 3rd and since then seems to be mostly OK, I assume based on what I was seeing the issue was with Glow and not the integration and they did some sort of reset to fix something?

craigrouse commented 1 year ago

@XcOM987 I had the same "correction", though to the tune of over 3000kWh. A little annoying, since it'll put the measurement out significantly over the year. Glad it wasn't just me anyway! My readings are now matching the Bright app exactly, so I think it's safe to say it's fixed (for now, at least). Worth noting that I only use it for gas, not electricity.

CJDumbleton commented 1 year ago

My data still doesn't tally between the HA energy dashboard and the Bright app.

The total daily usages match (slightly out for electricity). For 6 March:

But, the hourly bar charts look different. The HA energy dashboard seems normally to be showing two-hourly bars with some missing.

Bright electricity bar chart image

HA electricity bar chart image

Bright gas bar chart image

HA gas bar chart image

lowpeter commented 1 year ago

Hi, DCC seems to not be getting any better. I still want to use it for Gas as it is the only way to get this data (even if I get in all in one bar at lunchtime!). However I can replace the Electricity with another entity from my solar api. What will happen if I remove the 'DCC Sourced smart electricity meter Usage (today)' from Grid consumption in the Energy Dashboard and replace it?

I want to retain all the old data. Will it disappear if I remove the 'DCC Sourced smart electricity meter Usage (today)'?

Can I change the source of data and retain all the old data?

Many thanks.

daknightuk commented 1 year ago

@lowpeter I went down the same route as you and lost the historical data. Im going to take a guess that you might be able to leave the DCC Sourced smart electricity entity in place for the energy dashboard but then maybe set it to disabled as an entity, The way I went about sorting mine was to use the utility meter integration, created an import meter and an export meter and then used the solar as the source. You can then calibrate the meters to incorporate a historical usage figure (accumalative) I am only now using hildebrand to make sure my meters do daily reporting to Octopus so I get my specific tariff

lowpeter commented 1 year ago

Many thanks for your response daknightuk. This was discouraging, but I have disabled the 'DCC Sourced smart electricity meter Usage (today)' and the historic data remains in the Energy Dashboard. The config looks un-neat as I have a warning that:

Entity not defined Check the integration or your configuration that provides: sensor.electric_consumption_today

I can live with this.

I added the Energy from Grid from the Solar api, but unfortunately this backwards populated for as long as I set up the api and so I have double electric for some months. I hoped it would just populate from the day I added it to the Energy Dashboard.

I do not want to estimate past electric use as you have done as I wanted to compare current use to past use. Seems that the Solar Api and the DCC are not reporting the same (but similar amounts) for the doubling period. This may be as good as it can be unless there is other suggestions. Thanks again.

daknightuk commented 1 year ago

Many thanks for your response daknightuk. This was discouraging, but I have disabled the 'DCC Sourced smart electricity meter Usage (today)' and the historic data remains in the Energy Dashboard. The config looks un-neat as I have a warning that:

Entity not defined Check the integration or your configuration that provides: sensor.electric_consumption_today

I can live with this.

I added the Energy from Grid from the Solar api, but unfortunately this backwards populated for as long as I set up the api and so I have double electric for some months. I hoped it would just populate from the day I added it to the Energy Dashboard.

I do not want to estimate past electric use as you have done as I wanted to compare current use to past use. Seems that the Solar Api and the DCC are not reporting the same (but similar amounts) for the doubling period. This may be as good as it can be unless there is other suggestions. Thanks again.

Try putting the data into a spreadsheet and see what the differential is, maybe look at "templating" it (i've not done this yet) The Solar system will always be different to the actual meter because it uses a CT clamp which measures the electricity flow through the cable. The actual meter has a physical connection to the cable and as thats what we are "billed for" I would go with that if looking at accuracy.

chriskchambers commented 1 year ago

I am sad.to report that this has any started to failed.to.update my HA dashboard. But the app on the phone is still working.

HA stopped working 2 days ago. On the 28/4

daknightuk commented 1 year ago

@chriskchambers I got fed up of the unreliablity of Hildebrand, ok so its a free service and it has a lot of demand but it seems to break all the time. I only have it in HA now as a backup as I signed up to Octopus who offer an API so I can get my gas data directly from them. I'm sure there will be other companies offering API's also.

chriskchambers commented 1 year ago

@daknightuk I hVe to agree with you 100% that the api bricks every 5 mins. I am glad that you are with a company that supply you with a api straght into the data usage. But sadly my company 'BritishGas' don't offer me that services. But T the end of my contact I will be looking at Octopus as my new supply.

craigrouse commented 1 year ago

The problem is that the Octopus data is 1 day behind, and only gives you the total daily figure. That's why this integration is so useful. I'd even pay Hildebrand a small amount each year for API-only access if it worked.

daknightuk commented 1 year ago

@craigrouse Agreed it is a bit behind but lets be honest if its cold I put the heating on and if its warm I'll turn it off. I don't see any cost saving to be achieved by tracking it any closer than that.

abjwsm commented 1 year ago

Hi I also have the same issue. Several weeks now. I have Electric but no gas data in both the phone app and Home assistant. It was working and I have changed nothing. I contacted Hildebrand & GlowMarket and they say they can see my Gas data at their end. I am using British Gas SMETS2 but the display unit has no built in WiFi. Are there any other methods available? Al

Bookermind commented 10 months ago

I have the same issue (only just installed this integration). However when I look into the logs I can see the following: 2023-08-13 20:23:34.321 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor] Entity sensor.dcc_sourced_smart_electricity_meter_cost_today (<class 'custom_components.hildebrandglow_dcc.sensor.Cost'>) is using state class 'total_increasing' which is impossible considering device class ('monetary') it is using; expected None or one of 'total'; Please update your configuration if your entity is manually configured, otherwise report it to the custom integration author.

craigrouse commented 10 months ago

For any Octopus customers having issues with this integration, you should request an Octopus Home Mini from them, as that now reports gas usage via the regular Octopus API hourly, and importing to HA is handled automatically by the Octopus Energy HA component. It works brilliantly and allowed me to stop using the Hildebrand Glow integration.

plord12 commented 10 months ago

For any Octopus customers having issues with this integration, you should request an Octopus Home Mini from them, as that now reports gas usage via the regular Octopus API hourly, and importing to HA is handled automatically by the Octopus Energy HA component. It works brilliantly and allowed me to stop using the Hildebrand Glow integration.

I've requested one but seems they don't have stock :-(

jbsugden commented 1 day ago

I have this exact issue. Any update on a fix?

richard-scott commented 1 day ago

Mine last worked in March 2024. It hasn't worked for gas since. Electricity reporting is just fine.