HandyHat / ha-hildebrandglow-dcc

Home Assistant integration for UK SMETS (Smart) meters pulling data from the DCC via the Hildebrand Glow API
MIT License
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Is this integration working at all these days for anyone. #327

Open mcc05 opened 1 year ago

mcc05 commented 1 year ago

Is this integration working at all these days for anyone, for me I getting nothing on usage even though when I go in the bright app it is showing

wildcard5 commented 1 year ago

Yes and No . Elec is working ( i have solar and batteries ) so usage and costs are correct for me but nothing on gas (which is what i really wanted this for. image

GeoffMorg commented 1 year ago

I installed it a couple of weeks ago just to monitor my electricity but it seems to have a figure stuck in it for usage of 0.43kWh costing £0.46p.

I uninstalled and re-installed (with reboots in between) but it's the same.

Th Bright app on my phone seems fine

aled2305 commented 1 year ago

Same issue for me, no gas data and electric stuck on 0.36kWh and £0.66

MatterSec commented 1 year ago

Nothing at all :/ no gas and electric stuck at around 0.1kWh a day usage for past 10 days or so with 1-2 entries a day.

eknirk commented 1 year ago

See issue #330

adamlonsdale commented 1 year ago

Hey, I've had a look at this myself and can see that I'm experiencing the same issue with electricity consumption. My Home Assistant log shows some data below but doesn't seem to make sense to me.

Screenshot 2023-04-17 at 11 55 25

I decided to have a look at the API calls themselves to see if there are any things I can see there is an entry every 30 minutes with around 0.24kwh which makes sense for my usage.

Screenshot 2023-04-17 at 11 58 14

I therefore think this may be related to the integration itself to HA rather than the Glowmarkt API. I do know there have been some issues with the DCC though, especially around the British Gas / Trilliant onboarding which have reduced updates from every x minutes to hours (temporarily).

I'm not overly familiar with the HA entity database but if there is a way of retrospectively creating or updating states via the API then we could work around that each run?

RedEarth1 commented 1 year ago

I too suspect that it's an issue with the integration. For a long time I was stuck on an older version of Home Assistant from last year (I think it was something like version 2022.10) and so consequently I had to use version 0.6.0 of this integration. On easter weekend I was able to update to HA 2023.1 and so I updated the integration to the latest version 1.0.3 which is when I then started seeing similar problems to what everyone else is reporting i.e. little or no gas or electricity usage being logged in HA. After a few days I rolled the integration back to version 0.6.0 and since then it seems to be working, not perfectly, but it is show almost-correct gas and electricity usage for each say since I've been back on that version, so definitely a lot better than 1.0.3

EDIT - just seen other posts mentioning #330 - is it possible that this daylight savings issue does not affect version 0.6.0?

eknirk commented 1 year ago

0.6.0 used the previous version of pyglowmarkt - see commit 1de64c749cf878b1eebe4a7faa86eb1b0c8cc429 and #295, so it was not affected by the issue.

eknirk commented 1 year ago

As said in #330, I now have a simple patch that restores the main functionality and where the HA data, the data I can retrieve via pyglowmarkt, and the data in the Bright app are in synce.

However, the data in all three sources can be significantly delayed by hours, which causes huge issues for the consumption today approach! It would be great to hear @HandyHat on the problem...

abjwsm commented 1 year ago

Hi I also have the same issue. Several weeks now. I have Electric but no gas data in both the phone app and Home assistant. It was working and I have changed nothing. I contacted Hildebrand & GlowMarket and they say they can see my Gas data at their end. I am using British Gas SMETS2 but the display unit has no built in WiFi. Are there any other methods available? Al

holdestmade commented 1 year ago

There is a fix that has been merged


This works for me and data is available again

Si-Hill commented 1 year ago

This integration simply does not work. The readings are sporadic at best and the #331 fix does not fix the issue. Is this integration dead now or is there any development on going to fix it? Like others I have also tried the API myself and get expected numbers back so I also suspect its an integration rather than API issue. I haven't had any accurate readings for nearly 3 months now.

e10kstarfire commented 1 year ago

I've given up on it myself and removed it from HA

plord12 commented 1 year ago

I don't see the level of details in HA compared with the Bright app, but also I'm seeing that the DCC is often a day or so behind.

I guess this means you really need to connect to the smart meter directly ( eg https://shop.glowmarkt.com/products/display-and-cad-combined-for-smart-meter-customers?variant=36560284352664 or https://octopus.energy/blog/octopus-home-mini/ ... neither of which I have ).

holdestmade commented 1 year ago

I think the DCC is always a day behind, never gives me a live reading.

I do have the Glow CAD and it updates live, updating every few seconds, using a custom component via MQTT


RedEarth1 commented 1 year ago

I think the DCC is always a day behind, never gives me a live reading.

I do have the Glow CAD and it updates live, updating every few seconds, using a custom component via MQTT


The data in the DCC itself is up to date, the glow app always shows my usage up to the previous hour. In the integration, I'm seeing readings for today for both electricity and gas, they seem very sporadic. Admittedly I'm not using much gas anyway at this time of year but electricity consumption should show non zero values for every hour and in the glow app it does show this, but not in HA. I'm still using version 0.6.0 of the integration because while it's by no means accurate, it seems to work better than the more recent versions.

plord12 commented 1 year ago

I'm seeing calling the api from a script reflects the usage displayed by the app. eg -



# expiry seems to be about 2 years
token=$(curl -s -X POST \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "applicationId: ${applicationId}" \
    -d "{ \"username\": \"${username}\", \"password\": \"${password}\" }" \
    "https://api.glowmarkt.com/api/v0-1/auth" | jq -r '.token')

veid=$(curl -X GET \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "token:${token}" \
    -H "applicationId: ${applicationId}" \
    "https://api.glowmarkt.com/api/v0-1/virtualentity" | jq -r '.[0].veId')

resourceid=$(curl -X GET \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -H "token:${token}" \
        -H "applicationId: ${applicationId}" \
         "https://api.glowmarkt.com/api/v0-1/virtualentity/${veid}/resources" | jq -r '.resources[0].resourceId')

curl -X GET \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "token:${token}" \
    -H "applicationId: ${applicationId}" \
    "https://api.glowmarkt.com/api/v0-1/resource/${resourceid}/readings?from=$(date +%Y-%m-%d)T00:00:00&to=$(date +%Y-%m-%d)T23:59:59&period=PT30M&offset=-60&function=sum" | jq .

Maybe it would be better if this plugin returns data in the same way as the phone app ( 1/2 hour periods ) so that it can be used in other ways.

gumbald commented 11 months ago

I think the DCC is always a day behind, never gives me a live reading.

I do have the Glow CAD and it updates live, updating every few seconds, using a custom component via MQTT


Did you create this IHD component, can you publish/share it?!

holdestmade commented 11 months ago

No I didn't create it, it's here
