HangfireIO / Cronos

A fully-featured .NET library for working with Cron expressions. Built with time zones in mind and intuitively handles daylight saving time transitions
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Support for multiple day of week specifiers #41

Open darkeagle76 opened 2 years ago

darkeagle76 commented 2 years ago

Hi, I would like to ask if there is a plan to support multple day of week specifiers. For example this cron expression is currenlty not supported: 0 0 11 ? 8/2 SAT,SUN#3 It means: "At 11:00 AM, on the third Saturday and Sunday of the month, every 2 months, August through December" and allow to apply the "#" specifier to two days of week Saturday and Sunday. Thanks, regards, D

olegbsspb commented 1 year ago

To support extensions L and # in days of the week for range and list, I made a branch and changed only one function:

#if !NET40
        private static unsafe long ParseDayOfWeek(ref char* pointer, ref CronExpressionFlag flags, ref byte nthWeekDay)
            var field = CronField.DaysOfWeek;
            if (Accept(ref pointer, '*') || Accept(ref pointer, '?')) return ParseStar(field, ref pointer);

            var dayOfWeek = ParseValue(field, ref pointer);

#if false // Original
            if (AcceptCharacter(ref pointer, 'L')) return ParseLastWeekDay(dayOfWeek, ref flags);
            if (Accept(ref pointer, '#')) return ParseNthWeekDay(field, ref pointer, dayOfWeek, ref flags, out nthWeekDay);

            var bits = ParseRange(field, ref pointer, dayOfWeek, ref flags);
            if (Accept(ref pointer, ',')) bits |= ParseList(field, ref pointer, ref flags);

            return bits;

            var bits = ParseRange(field, ref pointer, dayOfWeek, ref flags);
            if (Accept(ref pointer, ',')) bits |= ParseList(field, ref pointer, ref flags);

            if (AcceptCharacter(ref pointer, 'L'))
                ParseLastWeekDay(dayOfWeek, ref flags);
            else if (Accept(ref pointer, '#')) 
                ParseNthWeekDay(field, ref pointer, dayOfWeek, ref flags, out nthWeekDay);

            return bits;

Generation works amazingly :) Examples: 0 10 1-5L 0 10 1-2,5-6#3