HangfireIO / Hangfire

An easy way to perform background job processing in .NET and .NET Core applications. No Windows Service or separate process required
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Hangfire jobs are enqueued but stuck in queue #2387

Open Sajadh92 opened 3 months ago

Sajadh92 commented 3 months ago

SDK : .NET 8 Latest Hangfire : 1.8.12 Latest Data Storage : SQL Server Trace Log : Sorry i did not know where it located

Configuration in Program.cs

builder.Services.AddHangfire(config => config .SetDataCompatibilityLevel(CompatibilityLevel.Version_180) .UseSimpleAssemblyNameTypeSerializer() .UseRecommendedSerializerSettings() .UseSqlServerStorage(DBConn.HangfireConnectionString, new SqlServerStorageOptions { DeleteExpiredBatchSize = 150, QueuePollInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), CommandBatchMaxTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5), JobExpirationCheckInterval = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15) } ));

builder.Services.AddHangfireServer(option => { option.WorkerCount = 5; option.ServerName = Roz.RootKey; });

Enqueue Screen Shot


Sajadh92 commented 2 months ago


It work and the job is processing only if the queue name is pre-defined on config on startup .. but still ignore any queue name that came from runtime and not exist in config ..

I hope this issue will be fixed on next reales bcs we need to create a different queue for each store or each product we have to make the data reflect on cach very quickly ..
