Seems that stats:succeeded counter is incremented even if StatisticsHistoryAttribute filter is disabled
var filterStat = GlobalJobFilters.Filters.Where(x => x.Instance is StatisticsHistoryAttribute).Single().Instance;
After that hourly counters are no longer incremented, but main counter still updated.
Is it possible to disable counters completely, as it cause high CPU spikes when we have a lot of parallel workers
Fixed with such workaround
var succeededHandler = GlobalStateHandlers.Handlers.Where(x => x.StateName == "Succeeded").Single(); GlobalStateHandlers.Handlers.Remove(succeededHandler);
Seems that stats:succeeded counter is incremented even if StatisticsHistoryAttribute filter is disabled
After that hourly counters are no longer incremented, but main counter still updated. Is it possible to disable counters completely, as it cause high CPU spikes when we have a lot of parallel workers