the current interface is based on TUI (Terminal User Interface), so it is recommended to keep the current interface, but add a graphical interface.
For this you could use both Tkinter and Pygame. I imagine you already know the existence of both
Point that I believe should be considered: class is overloaded with TUI element. Perhaps separate into a different class, in addition to game rules are also intertwined with the terminal interface
Does not follow Python's PEP 8 standard
English and Portuguese together, in addition to code pollution with unnecessary comments
Consider a class to store match results
Extrar recommendation:
New scoring system, vessels with dimensions 1x1 are worth 5 points, 2x1 are worth 3 points and 3x1 are worth 1.
the current interface is based on TUI (Terminal User Interface), so it is recommended to keep the current interface, but add a graphical interface. For this you could use both Tkinter and Pygame. I imagine you already know the existence of both
Point that I believe should be considered:
Extrar recommendation: