Hanjun-Dai / graph_adversarial_attack

Adversarial Attack on Graph Structured Data (https://arxiv.org/abs/1806.02371)
MIT License
127 stars 33 forks source link

instruction does not work #2

Open wangxiaoyunanne opened 5 years ago

wangxiaoyunanne commented 5 years ago

When I run git clone git@github.com:Hanjun-Dai/graph_adversarial_attack --recursive

It says permission denied. I need to git clone pytorch_structure2vec separately

Hanjun-Dai commented 5 years ago

that's weird. I have no idea, probably it's related to your ssh configuration

Hanjun-Dai commented 4 years ago

You can clone this repo and the submodule respectively.

That is,

git clone https://github.com/Hanjun-Dai/graph_adversarial_attack.git

And then clone the submodule in this repo

cd graph_adversarial_attack
git clone https://github.com/Hanjun-Dai/pytorch_structure2vec.git

But I'm not quite sure why you encountered your problem. Anyway, goodluck. 😃

thank you for your reply!

vietvo89 commented 3 years ago

Thanks @Hanjun-Dai Follow this instruction, I can clone both of them. I think you should change your instruction in order that other guys do not encounter the same issue.

Hanjun-Dai commented 3 years ago

thanks! updated

binchen4110 commented 2 years ago

It seems that you put a wrong link about this issue in your readme

Hanjun-Dai commented 2 years ago

thanks for pointing this out! it is now fixed.