HankSheehan / EloPy

A python library for the Elo Rating System
MIT License
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elo implementation with a sklearn interface #7

Open mbhynes opened 2 years ago

mbhynes commented 2 years ago

Hi @HankSheehan, Thanks for sharing this repo under a public license! If you're still actively using an elo rating system in your work, I wanted to share another implementation with a sklearn interface for a data science/ML workflow: https://github.com/mbhynes/skelo. Feel free to take a look and lmk if it fits into any of your use cases. Cheers

HankSheehan commented 2 years ago

Hi @mbhynes , I had to stop developing this package as I started working in a position that has limitations on open source development (lame). This implementation looks awesome; using the scikit interface is a great idea (many people will be familiar with it) and I like the extensibility for other MMR systems. If you like, I can add deprecated warning on import and point users to your implementation. Just let me know 👍 Thanks, Hank

mbhynes commented 2 years ago

Hi Hank, glad you think it might be useful! For sure if you'd like to add a notice, I'll be maintaining skelo for the foreseeable future so any users that need a rating package should be covered. The API of the 2 implementations is different but skimming elopy.py it looks to me like all the methods have some equivalent form, so not too much work if anyone was migrating. Cheers, Mike