Hankintailmoitukset / hilma-api

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Test publication error "Organisation 2840712-8 was not found in Hilma or YTJ." #208

Closed joosehuo closed 6 months ago

joosehuo commented 6 months ago

noticeId: 2a988d48-5902-4f37-ae94-ef1ea23e9c30

Publication failed to https://testi.hankintailmoitukset.fi because of the following error:

"errorMessage": "{\"type\":\"Hilma API Error\",\"title\":\"Validation error\",\"status\":400,\"detail\":\"Content validation failed, see errors and tedValidationResult for details\",\"errors\":{\"NationalIdentifier\":[\"Organisation 2840712-8 was not found in Hilma or YTJ.\"]},\"traceId\":\"fcc366b53641df904422c4eb8f2e228e\"}"

jadefrantila commented 6 months ago

Hi, we will check this out.

jadefrantila commented 6 months ago

Fixed, YTJ fetch works now in test environment. You should be able to publish the notice now.