Hankintailmoitukset / hilma-api

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Notice validation error NationalIdentifier not found #224

Open MercellPeter opened 3 weeks ago

MercellPeter commented 3 weeks ago


We have got a notice error:

{"type":"Hilma API Error","title":"Validation error","status":400,"detail":"Content validation failed, see errors and tedValidationResult for details","errors":{"NationalIdentifier":["Organisation FI02012566 was not found in Hilma or YTJ."]},"traceId":"39bd0ebfa642284f90afdc721e5298e4"}

Have you made any changes to the validation so Finnish VAT is not allowed to be used as National identifier anymore?

solita-reddy commented 3 weeks ago

We haven't made any changes, what endpoint are you using? so we can investigate.

jlouvrier commented 2 weeks ago

Hi! We are using HILMA write API. This is the very first time we have experienced an issue with Finnish VAT numbers. Any update?

solita-reddy commented 2 weeks ago

Based on the error message you provided above, you are either trying to create a procedure or create a procurement plan? Neither of these end point accept VAT number as a value for "NationalIdentifier" or "BuyerOrganization:CompanyID".

Some of our endpoints do accept VAT numbers namely when dealing with EForm/ENotices.

Could there be some confusion regarding where VAT numbers have been in use, as we have no made any changes to these endpoints.