HannaMeyer / CAST

Developer Version of the R package CAST: Caret Applications for Spatio-Temporal models
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aoa() and calibrate_aoa() with parallelization #27

Open daniel-althoff opened 2 years ago

daniel-althoff commented 2 years ago


I have been using the AOA() function with parallelization as follows:

´´´ cl <- makePSOCKcluster(detectCores()-2) registerDoParallel(cl) AOA <- aoa(df, model_sp, cl) stopCluster(cl) ´´´

When I check the task manager processes and performance tabs, it doesn't seem like the computer is using its cores. CPU usage is quite low (below 20%), and it takes quite some time to finish. (dataset: 70.000 lines, 17 columns, 10folds 5reps cv) Any idea on what might be happening? :)

In addition, I tried using the calibrate_aoa() function with multiCV=T, it took days and ended up throwing an error in the end. I'll run it again when I have some time and post the message.