HannaMeyer / CAST

Developer Version of the R package CAST: Caret Applications for Spatio-Temporal models
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Tutorial 2 - RMSE does not exclude na #42

Closed fmsabatini closed 1 year ago

fmsabatini commented 1 year ago

Hi again The line ###for the spatial CV: RMSE(AOA_spatial$AOA)==1],values)(AOA_spatial$AOA)==1]) fails in my R same for the RMSE of the random CV you probably want to add the argument na.rm=T there thanks!

HannaMeyer commented 1 year ago

Please use the Rmd file instead of the html to run the tutorial. The RMSE function is defined in the Rmd and it contains na.rm=T. Does this solve the issue?

fmsabatini commented 1 year ago

Cool, I see. Maybe mention it somewhere, and link the .Rmds