Open CharlieHubert opened 2 months ago
Week 5 5 total hours (3.5 in class and 1.5 out of class) I added the hover listener to my code so when you hover over a feature it tells you the name of it in a colorful popup. I also got the images to resize correctly when zooming in and out. I could not figure out my on click feature to get it to open up a sidebar with information about the location on the map that was clicked. I approached it by looking through the html more carefully to see if I was missing something in there. I ended up just making it exist at all times just off the screen -300px to the left when I am not using it.
How many hours did you work that week (in class & out of class)? What did you get done (specifics!)? What problems did you run into. How do you plan to approach those problems to fix them (or how did you approach them)? In your reply, you may link to other issues, commits, or parts of the code.