Open testingmirage opened 7 months ago
forgot to say that the x86 version works
That is because it isn't running with vkd3d-proton then since the game is 64bit.
Did you remember to also use the dxgi (and maybe d3d11) DLL from dxvk? Though it might not work either way on Windows.
Wine version: none
VKD3D-Proton does not support Windows.
edit. forgot to say that the x86 version works, it's the x64 that has this problem for some reason.
That's because the game is 64 bit, so it will just ignore the 32bit DLL and use your regular D3D12 driver.
if my system is a 64 bit one then what i should be using? the 64 or 86 i'm confused
it's about the game bitness not the system
Im sure what others have said is correct but I will share a tip for AC games as I had this problem with odyssey and origins. Close afterburner and riva tuner or similar then open the game and once the game is at the main menu alt tab and reopen them. Rivatuner conflicts when using dxvk/vkd3d.
When I click the exe to launch the game, the screen with the assassin's mirage logo pops ups, my pc readies to bot up the game but then goes silent again and the game doesn't start, as soon as i delete your dll files, all is back to normal.
Software information
Assassin's Creed Mirage, max settings.
System information
edit. forgot to say that the x86 version works, it's the x64 that has this problem for some reason.