Hanyuz1996 / EMeth

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Error with object 'mu' #1

Open indianAppl opened 5 months ago

indianAppl commented 5 months ago

Hello Team,

Firstly thank you for the great tool.

I tried to run this tool to deconvulate leukocyte composition in my head and neck cancer tissue sample. The tools throws the error Error in ncol(mu) : object 'mu' not found while I run the command given in the manual. I loaded Y using the following command Y = read.table("bValues_all_sample.txt", sep="\t", header=T, row.names=1).

How do I troubleshoot this ?


Hanyuz1996 commented 5 months ago


Thank you for using our code. Could you please a little more detail on which line you encounter this error?

Thanks, Hanyu

indianAppl commented 5 months ago

Hello Hanyu,

Thank you for the quick reply.

The problem appears in the first command itself. I load my data into the data frame "Y" using the following Y = read.table("bValues_all_sample.txt", sep="\t", header=T, row.names=1) then I run the command em1 = cv.emeth(Y, eta, aber = TRUE, V='c', init = 'default', family = 'laplace', nu = penalty, folds = 5, maxiter = 50, verbose = TRUE). The command do not run and throws the error Error in deconv.init(Y, eta, mu, aber) : argument "mu" is missing, with no default.

Regards, SJ

Hanyuz1996 commented 5 months ago


Please to refer to examples/example.R on the correct function call of our method. 'mu' matrix should be loaded before calling function cv.emeth.

Best, HZ

indianAppl commented 5 months ago


Thank you. The solution was to load the mu matrix from Data folder.

Though I have a different error now. Shall I raise a different ticket for it or post it here ?

Regards, SJ