Hao840 / OFAKD

PyTorch code and checkpoints release for OFA-KD: https://arxiv.org/abs/2310.19444
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Fitnet for VIT-based models. #10

Closed liguopeng0923 closed 7 months ago

liguopeng0923 commented 7 months ago

Hi @Hao840

I find that Fitnet is not supported for VIT-based models. But it's very important to reproduce hint-based results. Can you provide that?


Best, Guopeng.

Hao840 commented 7 months ago

Hi @liguopeng0923,

The following code is unorganized and cannot be integrated directly into the current repo, but I believe it may be helpful for you. The core idea is to paychify all features for alignment when either the teacher or the student is not cnn-based.

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

from timm.models.layers import PatchEmbed
from .registry import register
from .utils import get_module_dict, init_weights, is_cnn_model, kd_loss, LambdaModule, MyPatchMerging, set_module_dict, \
    TokenFilter, Unpatchify

class FitNet(nn.Module):
    stages = [1, 2, 3, 4]

    def __init__(self, student, teacher, criterion, args, ce_loss_weight=1., kd_loss_weight=1., **kwargs):
        super(FitNet, self).__init__()
        self.student = student
        self.teacher = teacher
        self.criterion = criterion
        self.ce_loss_weight = ce_loss_weight
        self.kd_loss_weight = kd_loss_weight
        self.args = args

        self.projector = nn.ModuleDict()

        is_cnn_teacher = is_cnn_model(teacher)
        is_cnn_student = is_cnn_model(student)

        for stage in self.stages:
            stage_modules = nn.ModuleDict()

            _, size_t = teacher.stage_info(stage)
            _, size_s = student.stage_info(stage)

            if is_cnn_student and is_cnn_teacher:
                feature_filter_s = nn.Identity()
                feature_filter_t = nn.Identity()
                aligner = nn.Conv2d(size_s[0], size_t[0], 1, 1, 0)
            elif is_cnn_student and not is_cnn_teacher:
                token_num = getattr(teacher, 'num_tokens', 0)  # cls tokens
                feature_filter_s = nn.Identity()
                in_chans, H, W = size_s
                patch_num, embed_dim = size_t
                patch_grid = int((patch_num - token_num) ** .5)
                if H >= patch_grid:
                    feature_filter_t = TokenFilter(token_num, remove_mode=True)  # remove cls token
                    patch_size = H // patch_grid
                    assert patch_size * patch_grid == H
                    aligner = PatchEmbed(H, patch_size, in_chans, embed_dim)
                    feature_filter_t = nn.Sequential(
                        TokenFilter(token_num, remove_mode=True),  # remove cls token
                        MyPatchMerging(H * W)
                    scale = patch_grid // H
                    assert scale * H == patch_grid
                    aligner = nn.Sequential(
                        nn.Conv2d(in_chans, embed_dim * scale ** 2, 1, 1, 0),
                        LambdaModule(lambda x: torch.einsum('nchw->nhwc', x)),
                        nn.Flatten(start_dim=1, end_dim=2)
            elif not is_cnn_student and is_cnn_teacher:
                token_num = getattr(student, 'num_tokens', 0)  # cls tokens
                patch_num, embed_dim = size_s
                in_chans, H, W = size_t
                patch_grid = int((patch_num - token_num) ** .5)
                feature_filter_s = TokenFilter(token_num, remove_mode=True)  # remove cls token
                feature_filter_t = nn.Identity()
                if H >= patch_grid:
                    patch_size = H // patch_grid
                    assert patch_size * patch_grid == H
                    aligner = nn.Sequential(
                        nn.Linear(embed_dim, patch_size ** 2 * in_chans),
                    assert patch_grid % H == 0
                    scale = patch_grid // H
                    aligner = nn.Sequential(
                        MyPatchMerging(H ** 2),
                        LambdaModule(lambda x: torch.einsum('nhwc->nchw', x.view(x.size(0), H, H, x.size(-1))).contiguous()),
                        nn.Conv2d(embed_dim * scale ** 2, in_chans, 1, 1, 0)
                token_num_s = getattr(student, 'num_tokens', 0)  # cls tokens
                token_num_t = getattr(teacher, 'num_tokens', 0)  # cls tokens
                patch_num_s, embed_dim_s = size_s
                patch_num_t, embed_dim_t = size_t
                patch_num_s -= token_num_s
                patch_num_t -= token_num_t
                feature_filter_s = TokenFilter(token_num_s, remove_mode=True)  # remove cls token
                feature_filter_t = TokenFilter(token_num_t, remove_mode=True)  # remove cls token
                if patch_num_t > patch_num_s:
                    scale = patch_num_t * embed_dim_t // (patch_num_s * embed_dim_s)
                    assert scale * patch_num_s * embed_dim_s == patch_num_t * embed_dim_t
                    aligner = nn.Sequential(
                        nn.Linear(embed_dim_s, embed_dim_s * scale),
                        LambdaModule(lambda x, embed_dim_t=embed_dim_t: x.reshape(shape=(x.size(0), -1, embed_dim_t))),
                    assert patch_num_s % patch_num_t == 0
                    in_feature = patch_num_s * embed_dim_s // patch_num_t
                    aligner = nn.Sequential(
                        nn.Linear(in_feature, size_t[-1])

            stage_modules['feature_filter_s'] = feature_filter_s
            stage_modules['feature_filter_t'] = feature_filter_t
            stage_modules['aligner'] = aligner

            set_module_dict(self.projector, stage, stage_modules)

    def init(self, verbose=True):
        if verbose and self.args.rank == 0:
            print(f'additional params: {sum([p.numel() for p in self.projector.parameters()]) / 1e6:.2f}M')

    def forward(self, image, label, epoch):
        with torch.no_grad():
            logits_teacher, feat_teacher = self.teacher(image, requires_feat=True)

        logits_student, feat_student = self.student(image, requires_feat=True)

        hint_losses = []
        for stage in self.stages:
            idx_t, _ = self.teacher.stage_info(stage)
            idx_s, _ = self.student.stage_info(stage)

            feat_t = feat_teacher[idx_t]
            feat_s = feat_student[idx_s]

            feat_t = get_module_dict(self.projector, stage)['feature_filter_t'](feat_t)
            feat_s = get_module_dict(self.projector, stage)['feature_filter_s'](feat_s)
            feat_s_aligned = get_module_dict(self.projector, stage)['aligner'](feat_s)

            hint_losses.append(F.mse_loss(feat_s_aligned, feat_t))

        loss_hint = self.args.weight_feat * sum(hint_losses)

        loss_ce = self.ce_loss_weight * self.criterion(logits_student, label)
        loss_kd = self.kd_loss_weight * kd_loss(logits_student, logits_teacher, self.args.temperature)
        losses_dict = {
            "loss_gt": loss_ce,
            "loss_kd": loss_kd,
            "loss_hint": loss_hint,
        return logits_student, losses_dict
liguopeng0923 commented 7 months ago

Thank you! I will reproduce the corresponding codes.