HaoZhongkai / GNOT

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Running HeatSink 3D #6

Closed robColSE closed 4 months ago

robColSE commented 7 months ago


First of all great work!

I would like to run this model on a similar example of yours: the heat3D sink. However I have a few questions:

  1. the data that you indicate to (heat3d) is just an array of shape: (1000, 19517, 5). I assume you use 5 functions, would you be so kind to elaborate on what functions/features you use in this array?
  2. The same link (heat3d) also contains a file "Heatsink_Output_XYZ.npy", but where can i find the ground truth?
  3. How do you generate 1000 samples? are they just different simulation scenarios?

Looking forward to your answer!

HaoZhongkai commented 4 months ago

Hi, sorry for the late response

  1. the components are ( temperature T, velocity vx, vy,vz, pressure p)
  2. The inlet velocity and geometry is different for different simulations