HaoZhongkai / GNOT

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How does GNOT work for time-dependent system? #9

Closed JiahaoHuang99 closed 2 months ago

JiahaoHuang99 commented 2 months ago

Thanks a lot for your nice work!

I am wondering how this model applied for time-dependent system like NS2D since I dont see any detail in both github and the paper. Do you use autoregressive? Or directly change the input and output channel for time dimension.

I would appreciate your response.

HaoZhongkai commented 2 months ago

Hi, Here we output all channels in a single forward call. We do not see significant improvement using auto-regressive training with multiple steps on NS2d dataset. But we might need more advanced training tricks like Message Passing NO (https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.03376) if the dataset is more complicated.