HaonanGuo / Remote-Sensing-ChatGPT

Chat with RS-ChatGPT and get the remote sensing interpretation results and the response!
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您好,请问GPT4的API似乎不能兼容图片,请问您是如何解决这个问题的呢? #5

Closed Drchip61 closed 7 months ago

ChrisGray0626 commented 7 months ago

根据我对源码的理解,GPT 只是用来理解自然语言的,真正的图像处理工作还是交由工具实现的。

HaonanGuo commented 7 months ago

No description provided.

Thanks for your attention on RS ChatGPT. I did not use the gpt4-visual model, since the uploading process is too complex(upload it to a website somewhere before sending it to gpt4). It is not easy to find a website that is fast and supports large files. I think RSChatGPT will support image input within several months. We are working on developing our own LLM.