Haoran-SONG / PiP-Planning-informed-Prediction

(ECCV 2020) PiP: Planning-informed Trajectory Prediction for Autonomous Driving
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About NGSIM dataset #3

Closed paller123 closed 3 years ago

paller123 commented 3 years ago

I'm sorry to bother you,It seems that the data I downloaded from the NGSIM is not complete. Could you send me a copy of your original data:us101-0750am-0805am-0820am-0835am.txt , i80-0400-0415.txt and i80-0500-0515-0530.txt. Thank you so much!

Haoran-SONG commented 3 years ago

I'm sorry to bother you,It seems that the data I downloaded from the NGSIM is not complete. Could you send me a copy of your original data:us101-0750am-0805am-0820am-0835am.txt , i80-0400-0415.txt and i80-0500-0515-0530.txt. Thank you so much!

I'm going to add a link for accessing the raw datasets and preprocessed ones. Thanks for your attention to our work.

Best, Haoran

paller123 commented 3 years ago

You are so kind!Thank you so much!

paller123 commented 3 years ago

Sorry for disturbing you again. :( I‘m sorry maybe you didn't understand what I mean. I think there is a problem with the data I downloaded from the website .So ,Could you please upload the raw datasets to OneDrive?

Haoran-SONG commented 3 years ago

Sorry for disturbing you again. :( I‘m sorry maybe you didn't understand what I mean. I think there is a problem with the data I downloaded from the website .So ,Could you please upload the raw datasets to OneDrive?

Just uploaded the raw files here. Please check it.

paller123 commented 3 years ago

Sorry but this link seems to be the Processed datasets :( https://hkustconnect-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/hsongad_connect_ust_hk/Evo9MNDPLhZAn-ygM1-GOVQB-ULdHzx4WurTZ1j-Bk_JNQ?e=YdG7Xk Maybe it hasn't been uploaded yet?

Haoran-SONG commented 3 years ago

Sorry but this link seems to be the Processed datasets :( https://hkustconnect-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/hsongad_connect_ust_hk/Evo9MNDPLhZAn-ygM1-GOVQB-ULdHzx4WurTZ1j-Bk_JNQ?e=YdG7Xk Maybe it hasn't been uploaded yet?

Oh sorry, the uploading process was interrupted unexpectedly. Now It's right there.