HaozheLiu-ST / T-GATE

T-GATE: Temporally Gating Attention to Accelerate Diffusion Model for Free!
MIT License
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cross-attention Difference code #11

Open AshkanTaghipour opened 2 months ago

AshkanTaghipour commented 2 months ago

Hi, thank you for your indepth analysis, could you open source how to compute the cross-attention Difference code given in Figue 2 ?

HaozheLiu-ST commented 2 months ago

Hello, thanks for your recognition, and sorry for the late reply. The code for computing cross-attention difference code is based on some internal code base, for which we do not have a clear plan to open source.

For re-implementation, it is advisable to customize this function to collect the cross-attention feature maps.


bigmover commented 2 weeks ago

Hello, thanks for your recognition, and sorry for the late reply. The code for computing cross-attention difference code is based on some internal code base, for which we do not have a clear plan to open source.

For re-implementation, it is advisable to customize this function to collect the cross-attention feature maps.


Is T-GATE available for use with controlnet and lora? Any advice about it?