Haplo064 / ChatBubbles

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Option to base chat bubble timer on chat message length #24

Closed vinajuliette closed 2 years ago

vinajuliette commented 2 years ago

Longer lines take longer to read, so closing the chat bubble should be, optionally at least, based on the length of the sentence times a factor.

For example, if enabled the timer could show for 4 seconds for every 10 characters displayed. If someone says "hi" it will show for 4 seconds, but if they write a small book it will last longer.

This would also necessitate a floor and ceiling number e.g 4 seconds minimum and 30 seconds maximum so if someone spams a lot of text it would still be removed relatively quickly

Haplo064 commented 2 years ago

Added in new build. Awaiting dalamud update before pushing it out.