HaploKit / Strainline

Full-length de novo viral haplotype reconstruction from noisy long reads
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Broken pipe error #2

Open EldeVries opened 3 years ago

EldeVries commented 3 years ago

Hi Xiao,

I've been attempting to run your Strainline program- however, I consistently encounter this error which states "Broke pipe". Not sure what this is referring too but I have attached an image.


Ellen Capture1

HaploKit commented 3 years ago

Hi, are you running the example data ? if not, could you run the example to see if it works or not ?

EldeVries commented 3 years ago

Hi, Thanks for the reply! Yeah I've run both the data set and my own set of data and the "cat: write error: Broken pipe" message is consistent across both.

HaploKit commented 3 years ago

It looks strange. What is the whole command you run the tool ?

EldeVries commented 3 years ago


Hopefully you can read the command there.

HaploKit commented 3 years ago

The command is correct. Could you please run this command in your output directory ? cat ./iter*/contig.*.fa | perl -ne 'if (/^>/){print ">r$.\n";}else{print;}' >corrected.fa Does this code work, is this file corrected.fa empty ?

EldeVries commented 3 years ago

The code runs but corrected.fa isn't empty.

HaploKit commented 3 years ago

I cannot reproduce this error. It is probably due to using a different system. Maybe you could try on a different machine, or use bash /abspath/to/strainline.sh rather than /abspath/to/strainline.sh

EldeVries commented 3 years ago

Hi, That's really odd that its not reproducible. It might be the machine. I can give it a shot and let you know. Using the bash command doesn't change the outcome at all.

EldeVries commented 3 years ago


Hi, I am encountering this error when I try to use trimmed reads. If the reads aren't trimmed they work fine; any ideas why this occurs?

HaploKit commented 3 years ago

Hi, so this command already works for the example dataset on your machine?

fermpeter commented 2 years ago

Hey all!

I have also experienced this error when running the test dataset. cat: write error : Broken Pipe I am curious this issue has been resolved!

Thanks! Peter
