HappenApps / Quiver-iOS

Quiver for iOS
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Feature Request: Minimal edits #59

Open matchavez opened 6 years ago

matchavez commented 6 years ago


Since this project seems to be at a standstill, maybe we can get something over the line that would be most helpful. Forgetting anything about cells for the moment, can we get an intermediate step where we can simply edit Plain Text in a note? No more than that; a simple implementation of one JSON line that's written to Dropbox. I can edit later, fancy it up later, but I'm really lacking an ability to jot quick notes. After all, that's the point, right? We can always go back and edit and manipulate in the macOS version later.

Any thoughts on that? Or is Quiver a dead platform?

matchavez commented 6 years ago

This might help... https://github.com/HappenApps/Quiver/issues/1000

rdewolff commented 6 years ago

Any news?

matchavez commented 6 years ago

Dead as a doornail.

Moved on to Typora/Atom/1Writer, and all markdown. It's a shame; this had the potential to be a million dollar app.

rdewolff commented 6 years ago

Sad, indeed, this app has (had?) a great potential! Any other alternative? I use iA writer but am not happy with it. Typora has no iOS version. Never tested 1Writer... seems to be iOS only... no macOS version.

rdewolff commented 6 years ago

Well, seems Quiver is coming back very soon : https://twitter.com/happenapps/status/1006259032267673601 👍 💥

ylian commented 6 years ago

Yes, I'm back on working on Quiver full-time. Right now working on some urgent fixes on the mac version. Then will seriously update the iOS version.

rdewolff commented 6 years ago

Amazing news! Welcome back 🙂

matchavez commented 6 years ago

Well, that's a nice change! Hopefully there's a great comeback soon!

rdewolff commented 6 years ago

Any news??

tarasis commented 4 years ago

I'm also interested in news. I'm trialing the Mac app at the moment and seriously considering buying it. The lack of write support in the iOS app is slightly off putting.

matchavez commented 4 years ago

Full time, but no fix in 15 months. Just get Typora, or use Atom or VSCode with a good markdown plugin.

Sidetalker commented 4 years ago

Sad days, hope the dev is doing alright.

rdewolff commented 4 years ago

well, there is some activity on the repo in the other threads... just sayin'.

Sidetalker commented 4 years ago

@rdewolff link? I don't see anything (but admittedly did not look for long)

rdewolff commented 4 years ago


ylian commented 4 years ago

I have been working on three major things in the past year:

  1. A major rewrite of the macOS app's UI layer. (model layer was rewritten in 3.2, and the UI rewrite deals with the rest of the codebase).
  2. A complete rewrite of the iOS app (converting all code to Swift, use latest practices to implement UI, and enable two-way syncing and editing).
  3. I was also writing two editors from scratch: a Markdown editor and a code editor. These replace the old Ace editor which have quite a few unfixable bugs.

All three projects are close to completion. As you can imagine, this has been a lot of work for me and thousands of commits. I am a single developer, Quiver doesn't charge for updates or subscription, and a huge amount of work is needed to bring an app to the next level. Please understand.

rdewolff commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the update @ylian - I think people would have loved just a quick heads up to know the status.

Sometimes a shared public roadmap helps :)

matchavez commented 4 years ago

And while this may seem snarky, it's not intended. You really should just be doing one of these at a time. If you're the only developer, you especially need to not get overwhelmed.

Best of luck.

tarasis commented 4 years ago

Great to hear @ylian thank you for the update. I'll echo @rdewolff's suggestion of a public roadmap somewhere, doesn't need dates, but just a rough list of what your aiming for.