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Cursor tracking broken when using emoji #1225

Open jeeftor opened 5 years ago

jeeftor commented 5 years ago

There seems to be bug with rendering of markdown and emoji.

The cursor gets all wonky. I've included a gif recording of an example. I placed my cursor on a line and hit the following combination:

a backspace undo right Looks good a backspace undo right Deletes the whole line? Also the tracking seems somewhat off a backspace undo right Tracking looks ok - but the a is italic? a backspace undo right Tracking is off a backspace undo right Tracking is off


As you can see the cursor doesn't seem to be tracking correctly.

I exported the note and here is the content.json Here is the JSON note contents:

  "title": "IPAD CHECKOUTS",
  "cells": [
      "type": "markdown",
      "data": "# Internal\n|Name|MM Number|Serial|Person\n|---|---|---|---|\nSad Pad πŸ˜₯    | MM241506 | DMPX6D9Uj28K | --          \nBanana 🍌️     | MM241507 | DMPX6GKWJ28K |Keith\nPenguin 🐧️     | MM241508 |DMPX6D8MJ28K | Tim\n❓️❓️❓️            | MM241509|--| \nCherry Pad πŸ’οΈ | MM241511|  DMPX6D19J28K| Keith\nBeef πŸ₯©οΈ       | MM241512 | DMPX6D17J28K | Dave Tuomey\nClown 🀑️️      | MM234209 | DMPTN03PHP52  |    Tuomey    |\nRainbow 🌈    | MM234210 | DMPTN0BQHP52 | Chad        \nBurger πŸ”οΈοΈ     | MM234212 | DMPTN03WHP52 |        |\n\n## External iPads\n|Name|MM Number|Serial|Person|\n|---|---|---|---|\nBeer 🍺️| MM241510|DMPX6A5JJ28K|Matt Pollack\n"
      "type": "markdown",
      "data": ""

And the meta.json

  "created_at" : 1543418713,
  "tags" : [

  "title" : "IPAD CHECKOUTS",
  "updated_at" : 1543948968,
  "uuid" : "B05A7B68-F46D-47C0-B4ED-96A576D98924"
ylian commented 5 years ago

This has been a known issue for a long time. It will be fixed with the editor rewrite, which is the main focus of Quiver 3.3. The underlying issue is that the ACE editor used in Markdown and code cells doesn't support variable-width font. As a workaround, change to a fixed-width font and the cursor will behave correctly.