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Find doesn't work all the time #1345

Open mobileben opened 5 years ago

mobileben commented 5 years ago

The find function in this is incredibly frustrating. It doesn't work all the time or partially works. I typically use Command+F to find within the note.

Some times it will only match the first two letters. In this case, there is no visual cue a search is happening. In other words, the search field doesn't show up in the note.

The UI is also incredibly confusing with the search. You have the search field on the very top right. This is All Notes. But none in the notes area.

It's possible that by making the notes search and the cell type/style toolbar overlapping causes issues. In other words, there are times I Command+F, but the search (only 2 letters) is being done, but the text type of style toolbar still exists.

When it works, the search field shows up.

I've more or less have the experience that Find barely works

ylian commented 5 years ago

Likely some logic inconsistencies in the code that swaps between search bar and format bar. Pressing Esc before search might help.

Also, the entire UI layer is being rewritten, and I will make sure in-note search is tested thoroughly in the new code.

laindow commented 5 years ago

I can confirm - search don't work at all - it even cannot find a tags! I understand you improving UI and rewrite some code but please before release it make sure at least BASIC functionality works. With broken search app almost useless ... Could you tell when you make a fix ?